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Taehyung point of view

Its been a year since the jungkook left he haven't comeback yet i really missed him he is in japan for his company but he still connected with taeggukie through internet he still treat taeggukie like his daughter same as before taeggukie still look at him as a eomma nothing really changed i hope he comeback as soon as possible i miss him

And about jennie she gets arrested she tried to kidnap taeggukie after three weeks after that incident she is also held in prison for trying to kill taeggukie and Child Abuse and i apply to get solo custody of taeggukie till i get married to jungkook so we van be taeggukie legal parents

I was watching a movie sitting on couch since tawggukie is in her playschool and i don't have any work to do suddenly my phone vibrate indicating someone is Calling it was from jimin hyung i pick it up

On the call

"taehyung-sii you need to come to xxx park right now?" hyung said "w-why? What happened everything ok?" i asked him "just come there you will know" he said making me worried "ok fine im on my way" i said and hang up the phone and took my jacket and grab my car keys then went to that park it was the same park where me and jungkook meet

I reached there after five minutes this place bring back all the memories of me and jungkook "when will you come back kookie i miss you so much" i said with a sigh while looking around since there is only very very few people around

"i missed you too" i heard him i was jungshoook as i turned around to see the person "j-jungkook" i said "i missed you so much" he said slowly walking towards me im still froze and can't believe that he finally came back

I gathered my self together and run towards him i hugged him tightly as he hugged me back "jungkookie i missed you so much" i said "i missed you too taelien" he said making me laugh "thank you for coming back i promise you that I'll love you till i die even after that i won't hurt your feelings ever again i promise" i said as a tear fell from my eyes "shh..don't cry tae" he said while wiping away my tears with his thumb

With that i kissed him passionately a kiss full of love and trust "i love you kookie" i said while our foreheads are still attached to each other he smiled and "i love you too" he said as we both hold each other hand we heard a voice calling us

"eomma!!eomma!!appa" we look around and saw taeggukie running towards us jimin hyung behind her jungkook picked her up and give her kisses non stop "i missed you so much my baby" jungkook said "i missed you too eomma" taeggukie said

"why don't you kiss me that much?" i asked him with a pout "appa is jealous" taeggukie said and chuckle "aigoo...your appa is like a big baby" jungkook said with a chuckle making me pout more "alright...enough with this cheesy family thing don't you guys want to eat" jimin hyung said

"ok ok fine" jungkook said and chuckle "aish he is just jealous since yoongi hyung is out of town" i said everyone chuckle except jimin hyung who gives me a death glare "yahh you brat now jungkook is here why don't we tell him how you act when he was gone you know jungkook he was like 'jungkook bogoshipta' and sometimes he mistakes and call other people jungkook or to no one jungkookie you back" hyung said i widened my eyes and covers hyung mouth with my hand

Jungkook also widened his eyes "you call other people as me?" he said and chuckle "yah this face is only one in this whole universe" he said i nodded "don't believe jimin he's lying" i said "do you miss me that much" he asked with a smirk "yes eomma sometimes when i sleep beside appa someday he will call your name in sleep" taeggukie said

"really? Aigo your appa aish''jungkook said and chuckle "t-that's not true let's go and eat''i said trying to change the topic

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