Chapter 2: Meeting and Partnering with Derek

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Bella's POV:
I had just awoken to my alarm at 6am, I quickly got up to take my shower and went to get dressed.

Bella's POV:I had just awoken to my alarm at 6am, I quickly got up to take my shower and went to get dressed

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Then I heard the familiar sound of Lina and Danielle calling for me. On the way to school, we stopped to pick up Ryan and his friends, Caleb and Walker. When they arrived to school, the first thing I noticed was the motorcycles parked. As I looked over my schedule on my phone, I saw that I had English 12, Physics, Statistics, Lunch, and Shop. I had tried contacting my guidance counselor to change shop class, but she said it was the only class I could take last block that wasn't full. The day went by slowly and soon it was time to go to shop, I was so nervous. When I finally entered the room, I took a seat in the middle row, middle pair of desks. Then someone walked in, someone I had always been told to avoid, Derek Skyles.

Derek's POV:
I had been unable to come to classes today until now, I had been busy taking care of my sister since she was sick. Eventually, our neighbor came by and told me to head to school even if it was just for the end of the day. When I finally walked into class, there was only one seat left, next to Bella Peters, a girl as privileged as they come. When I sat down, though she didn't think I noticed, I saw her scoot her chair over away from me.

***1 month later***

Third Person:
Bella and Derek had just sat down at their seats in shop class. So far Bella had managed to avoid speaking to Derek and she wanted it to stay that way, her life was perfect, why mess it up? She had been named cheer captain and was dating the captain of the football team. Then their teacher, Mr. Jones, decided to assign a group project and everyone had to work with their partner. Bella was not excited about having to work with Derek, she knew he got good grades, but was still not keen on him.

Bella's POV:
I can't believe Mr. Jones was forcing me to work with Derek. I've spent this last month managing not to talk to him. I left the room and went in search of my best friends, I found Lina, but Danielle was nowhere in sight.
"Hey Bella, what's the matter?" asked Lina.
"I got assigned to work on a group project with Derek Skyles."
"No way! But he's like mental!"
The bell then rang signaling the end of school, as we walked out Lina told me about a party this Friday. I'd never been to one before but I soon decided that this was my chance to have fun. Once I walked in through the door, I saw Tina making dinner. My mother and father were sitting waiting for me in the living room.
"We need to talk, Bella", said Sara.
"Is it something bad?"
"Of course not! We were discussing with Ryan's parents at lunch the idea for you two to get married!"
"What?!? Mom, I'm not ready to get married yet."
"We know that sweetie and we won't push, yet, but this is would be great for our families."
We sat there for a few minutes and talked, then I went up to my room to relax.

Third Person:
Bella and Derek had been working on a project during school and decided to meet up at Bella's house to continue. When Derek pulled into the driveway, he was in awe of how big the house was.

 When Derek pulled into the driveway, he was in awe of how big the house was

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Bella had just gotten out of her car when she invited him to come inside. Tina was waiting with some cookies and sweet tea for the two of them. Derek and Bella thanked her and headed upstairs to her room. They spent almost two hours working on the project, then decided to take a break and get to know each other.
"So do you have any siblings or parents?" asked Bella.
"Yes, I have a mom and a younger sister. My father passed when I was 10."
"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine growing up without a father."
"It's okay."
They spent time talking to each other about family, school, friends, then Bella asked about the club.
"They saved my family and made sure we had food to eat after my father's death, without them, I wouldn't be alive," said Derek.
Bella had always heard stories about how they were horrible people, but now she wondered, what if they weren't? The two soon said their goodbyes after and then Bella went to bed. Tomorrow was a big day, her first party ever.

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