Chapter 10: Ex is Back and Suing

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Ryan's POV:
I can't believe the nerve of Bella to break up with me, me! I'm the best that girl could ever get and it's time she knew it. I'll do whatever it takes to break her and Derek apart, she's mine. I decided to call my father and tell him about the fight between me and Derek, I didn't tell all the details about that night, just that Derek assaulted me. My father was furious and he told me that he'd tell the police and get Derek arrested. Derek messed with the wrong guy. I knew I had to get rid of all evidence of trying to rape Bella so I deleted the video of my attempt. I knew that she and I belonged together, now it was time for her to see that.

Bella's POV:
The school was having a pep rally to celebrate our football team. As the head cheerleader, I was in charge of making sure that us cheerleaders gave the school pep. We were in our blue, black, and silver pep uniforms.

Then, in the midst of the rally, I heard the doors slam open

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Then, in the midst of the rally, I heard the doors slam open. The person who entered was the head cop and two more cops. They went up to Derek and asked him to stand and then they handcuffed him, I was on top of the pyramid so I quickly called for us to lose formation but by the time I got down, he was gone with the cops.

Derek POV:
I couldn't believe I was being arrested for punching Ryan the night he tried to hurt Bella. I knew this was his doing since he was standing at the entrance smiling when they escorted me out of the school. Once we got to the station, they took my pictures and statement, one of the cops was really nice and gave me my one call, I decided to call Alex and tell him to tell Bella and my mom. The lady cop was named Amanda, she told me that her daughter was bullied by Ryan and that even though violence isn't the answer, she thought he deserved the punch. I decided that if I was going to be here, I might as well take a nap so I fell asleep.

Bella's POV:
I quickly headed to the station and asked what he was being charged with, when they said assault on Ryan, I knew what it was about. I told them that Derek did it to protect me after Ryan tried to rape me. I went to give my station and then remembered I sent the video to my phone. I told them about how Ryan video taped himself trying to hurt me and that I sent the video to myself, I showed them it and they went to go check out the authenticity of the video. When they came back, they told me that Derek was free to go and that if I wanted to I could press charges against Ryan, I said no, I asked for them to tell Ryan's dad about Ryan's attempt and get him help.

Derek's POV:
I woke up to Amanda telling me that the charges were dropped. She told me that I was lucky to have someone like Bella in my life. I couldn't believe that Bella had managed to get me out, once I saw her I asked her how she did it, once she explained I was in awe.

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