Chapter 8: Threatened at Homecoming

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Bella's POV:
I couldn't wait until school was finally over, I was so excited for the dance. The day went by slowly, when it was time for lunch I started heading to the cafeteria, then someone pulled me into a closet. I turned around to see Ryan blocking the  door.
Ryan said, "Baby, can we please talk?"
"I have nothing to say to you, so let me out."
"McKenna was a mistake, I shouldn't have cheated, I love you so much."
"You think it was just the cheating? You tried to rape me!"
"I was drunk, I thought you wanted it."
"I told you to stop and you didn't, now either let me out or I'll scream."
"Fine but this isn't over."
I stormed out and then turned around to say, "Yes it is, goodbye Ryan." I went off the the library instead of the cafeteria not wanting to see anyone else. Soon lunch was over and it was time for shop, I saw Derek and went to sit with him, we spent the class working on a new project.
When school was over, I quickly headed home to get ready. It took about 3 hours and then I heard Tina call up that Derek was here. My mom and dad weren't here, dad had a late meeting and mom was out of town. I had told Tina not to tell them about Derek knowing that they'd freak out. Derek was wearing a black jacket and pants with a light pink button up shirt that matched my dress. We head to the dance and when we entered, I saw Danielle and Lani, I introduced them to Derek. Danielle was happy for us but to him not to hurt me, Lani was not excited and left as soon as we got there. I went to talk to her but she just kept ignoring me and walking off. I decided to go outside and get some air when, for the second time today, someone pulled me over somewhere. I turned only to come face to face with some guy who I'd never seen before, he was wearing a black leather jacket and had blonde hair slicked back.

 I turned only to come face to face with some guy who I'd never seen before, he was wearing a black leather jacket and had blonde hair slicked back

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"Who in the world are you and what do you want," I asked.
"My name is Cole Silverman and if you know what's good for you, you'll leave Derek."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"We have a message for him, disarm or we're coming."
"Who's "we"."
"He'll know, and who knows maybe I'll come for you first," he said winking and touching my cheek.
Cole walked away and I ran back inside to find Derek, when I got to him he asked what was wrong and I told him everything. Derek said we needed to go and that he'd take me back home, the ride back was silent, he quickly kissed me and then drove off. I headed inside unsure of what was going on, unaware that in the woods, next to my house, I was being watched.

Derek's POV:
I was so busy having fun that for a second I forgot about all the dangers in the world, then I saw Bella running towards me and I asked what was wrong. The second she said Cole's name, I knew it was about the club. Cole used to be one of my best friends, but then he turned to drugs and he was forced to get clean or leave the club, he chose to leave. I quickly rushed her home and headed to the club knowing they would need to know what happened and what Cole said. I knew that he was probably crazy since he was a part of The Wolf Gang, but threatening the club and Bella? That overstepped the lines. I found Alex, Sam, and Landon and told them about Cole's threat to the club and Bella. We all looked at eacch other knowing, The Wolf Gang threatening us, meant war.

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