Chapter 6: Meeting the Club/Derek's Mom

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Derek's POV:
Derek: Alex, I'll be bringing someone to the club today. Make sure the guys stay in their rooms if they're with a girl.
Alex: Sure bro, but does your mom know? If you spring this on her, she'll be super mad.
Derek: I'm telling her this morning, the girl goes to my school, she's super popular and we need to make sure she isn't freaked out. She's the one Sam, Landon, and I saved.
Alex: I'll make sure don't worry.
Derek: Thanks bro.
Alex: No problem.
I went downstairs to tell my mother. She was excited to meet Bella again in better circumstances. After talking to her and telling Rebecca, who decided to grill me, I headed off to school. The day passed by pretty quickly, Bella and I talked about her meeting the club during class.
"I'm super excited but also really nervous," said Bella.
"There's no need to be nervous, I'll be there next to you."
We decided to take my truck, I didn't bring my motorcycle feeling that'd be too much for her to handle.
"So who all will I be meeting," asked Bella.
"Rebecca- my mom, Izzy- my sister, my best friends- Landon, Sam, and Alex, Alex's wife- Ella, Ella's best friend- Sophia, you might meet a club slu* named Emma. This is just for my closest friends and family."
"What's a club slu*?"
"Someone who likes to go from guy to guy. She's only there to help serve."
We spent the rest of class time talking about the next upcoming partner project.

Bella's POV:
Durning the ride, we listened to some music and I sang to "Woman Like Me" by Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj. When I looked over I saw Derek staring at me, oh gosh is my outfit bad?

OMG what if they hate me or worse? Derek sensed my nervousness and told me to calm down, he said he just was admiring how beautiful my singing was

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OMG what if they hate me or worse? Derek sensed my nervousness and told me to calm down, he said he just was admiring how beautiful my singing was. We rang the doorbell and I saw Derek's mom, I acted so bad last time I saw her.
"It's alright darling, there's no need to worry, the last time we met was a bad morning for you," said Derek's mom, "I'm Emily Skyles."
"I'm Bella Peters."
"Come in you two, everyone else is excited to meet Bella."
Right when I entered the house, I felt a sense of belonging and acceptance. The first people Derek introduced me to were Alex and Ella, Ella invited me to go shopping with her and Sophia, her best friend. Derek introduced me to Landon and Sam who I thanked for saving me from Ryan.
Sam said, "It was no problem, he shouldn't have tried to..."
"Don't say it, we don't need to rehash the past," said Derek angry at the reminder.
"It's fine Derek," I said.
By the time it was dinner, I had talked to almost everyone there and planned a shopping trip with Ella, Sophia, and Rebecca. They were all so sweet and kind and I felt like family. I turned around and accidentally tripped only to spill my drink on a girl.
"What the hell, you bit**? You are so dead."
I was so scared then I heard Ella yell for the girl to not use that tone with me.
"It was my fault, I'm so sorry, um..."
"Emma, Derek's girlfriend."
After hearing those words, I ran out of the house, into the pouring rain, only to remember I rode with him. I heard him calling my name.
"Bella, wait!"
"I refuse to be what breaks you guys up, I won't be like McKenna."
"She's not my girlfriend. We slept together once but that was it, I told her we weren't ever dating. Please, believe me."
"Why would she lie to me?"
"She was jealous."
I rolled my eyes, as if.
"She was, you're gorgeous, smart, nice, and everyone there loved you. They don't like her. Please, come back in, let me show you that you should stay."
"I don't know," I said unsure.
"Give me one hour, if you don't like it here still, then I'll take you home, no questions asked."
I spent the hour talking to everyone and Emma stayed out of my way. I loved hanging out with them and had so much fun. I told Derek I wanted to stay and then Sophia pulled me into the room where all the girls were except Emma.
Sophia said, "So you and Derek, huh?"
"No we're just friends, he and his friends saved me from my now ex boyfriend."
"Ooh tell us please," asked Rebecca.
So I told them about Ryan and the party and how I found out about him and McKenna.
Ella replied, "That's so sad yet romantic. You guys would make a cute couple."
I couldn't stop thinking about what Emma said though, I wanted to ask about her but I felt weird if I did. Luckily Sophia picked up on my questioning and decided  to say something about Emma.
"Emma is so delusional, she thinks Derek wants her."
"I know right," said Ella, "she tried to seduce Alex when we first were dating, claiming he loved her and was just with me because he pitied me."
We spent the next two hours gossiping about the guys and planning our trip then it was time for me to head home. We all exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.
"So did you have fun," asked Derek.
"I did, thank you for taking me."
"You're welcome."
Soon we were around the corner from my house and he stopped the car, I noticed him looking at me.
"Can I kiss you," he asked.
He leaned in and cupped my face and slowly our lips touched, his tongue and mine collided and we continued kissing. After a while, we both pulled away, I was blushing like crazy.
"Goodnight and sweet dreams, Bella."
"Goodnight Derek."

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