Chapter 9: Fired?!?!

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Derek's POV:
I walked down the stairs to see my mom and I started wondering why she was there, she's normally at work.
"Mom, why are you here at home?"
"Hey honey, come sit down," said Emily, "I got fired from work.
I was super shocked, "Why?"
"They didn't give me a reason. They just asked me to pack up and then wished me luck."
I knew I'd have to start looking into more jobs to make money and I'd have to tell the club. I knew Bella's dad ran the hospital so I wondered if she knew about this. But no, she's not like that, she'd tell me, right?

Bella's POV:
I ended up over sleeping and quickly picked out my outfit, tomorrow was a game day so I knew it'd be uniform tomorrow. I decided on a dark red flowing skirt and cute white top.

When I got to school, I saw Derek waiting for me at my usual parking spot, he helped me out of my car

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When I got to school, I saw Derek waiting for me at my usual parking spot, he helped me out of my car.

When I got to school, I saw Derek waiting for me at my usual parking spot, he helped me out of my car

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I could sense that Derek wanted to ask something so I asked him what was wrong. He was hesitant at first but quickly told me about his mother being fired. I promised that I didn't know anything about my dads decision and Derek said he had to look for a job. I excused myself to the bathroom and dialed my dad's number.
"Hey sweetie, what's the matter? Shouldn't you be in class?"
" I'm in lunch right now, dad."
"Oh of course, what did you need then?"
"One of my new friends parents works at the hospital and was just fired. Emily Skyles?"
"Ah yes, her. She was a wonderful employee but her son is in a gang, we can't have that reputation around."
"But dad, she needs this job, please."
"You're lucky that I love you and want you to be happy, I'll talk to the rest of the board and try to get her job back. Just make sure that you don't get involved with the gang. Bye darling."
"Bye dad." It was pure luck that he didn't seem to realize that I said I was friends with Derek. As much as my parents care about me, they would never accept me dating someone that could damage our reputation. I returned to the table and told Derek the good news, he was ecstatic but very clear that he didn't mean to make me feel like I had to do that. I knew he would never ask me to but he deserved some good in his life. We spent the whole lunch and class talking about his club and our families.

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