Chapter 15: Saved

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Third POV:
It was the next night and the club was getting ready to get Bella back. Bella had been raped again that morning and was in pain. The guard would laugh after he left every time.

Derek's POV:
We had planned for Emma to go in as a distraction, then we'd smoke bomb the house. We'd send in a team to fight everyone while me, Alex, Sam, and Landon went to look for Bella. We came across a guard guarding a door and Sam took him out. As I entered the room, I saw Bella in a corner of the room. I ran up to her, then I heard the voice of Cole.

Bella's POV:
Derek was here, he's come to save me, I kept telling myself that. Derek was almost to me when I saw Cole. I started shaking uncontrollably and Derek noticed.
"Well, isn't this a happy reunion? Too bad I'm cutting it short," said Cole.
Cole pointed the gun at me. Derek was fuming but tried to stay calm in order to get Cole to release the gun.
Derek said, "Don't do this Cole, don't throw your life away for revenge."
"Easy for you to say, my life's ruined no matter what, may as well go out with a bang."
I heard the gun go off and felt the splatter of blood but didn't see a wound, then I saw Derek on the ground. Derek was bleeding, the bullet in his chest. Cole attempted to aim the gun at himself afterwards but Landon got it away from him then Alex took him. Landon rushed over to help me get Derek into a car, I kept telling Derek he'd be okay.
Derek replied, "No matter what happens, I love you." Then he passed out.

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