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chapter thirty-eight

chapter thirty-eight

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(Y/N) turned the knob in regards to her goal of opening the wooden door, her sight being welcomed by a 29-year old brunette standing on her front porch. In an immediate second, her lips were pursed in a questioning manner as she silently irked her eyebrow at the male.

"6:30 AM. Are you a morning rooster or something?" The young woman grinned with her own comment after seeing the boy playfully rolling his amber irises because of it. Just as he was about to say his own remarks, the chicken that was once dozing beside the lady perked its beady orbs and squawked at the man.

"I guess Melvin does not want his position to be replaced by me." Haru chuckled while timidly handing the paper bag towards the (h/c) haired girl. He cleared his throat as she took it gratefully, already knowing that it was her favorite sugar-free affogato since that is what he has been giving to her every single day. She wasn't complaining tho, his involuntary giving of the coffee is something that she looks up to every time she wakes up.

"Thanks!" She giddily wrapped her arms around the biodegradable cup before placing it against her lip, the taste of the milky beans leaving soft butterfly kisses on her taste buds almost immediately.

The brunette tilted his head a little after noticing a certain accessory that the young woman was wearing. His mesmerizing bisque eyes scanned on the fabric that held her hair into a pleasing and neat arrangement, making the alluring features of her face more accessible to his view.

"Hey, that's new.. Who taught you how to wear a headband?" (Y/N) paused on her sipping once she got to process what the boy just muttered out loud. A proud beam miraculously crept on her as if she was actually proud that Haru noted this new accessory that she was wearing.

"This is the prize that I got from solving Daisuke's treasure hunt. Pretty cool, right?"

Haru blinked in utter confusion, his mind torn between the question on why this 24-year old woman is still very childish and what in the world is a treasure hunt. More importantly, he just perceived that Kambe and (Y/N) has been awfully close these past few days and for some very odd reason, he swore he just heard his stomach grumbling in annoyance.

"It.. It looks good on you." He mentally praised his self for confidently delivering the compliment without stuttering like a school boy. The young woman smiled with this, a bashful dust of pink clouding her cheeks.

"Say, can.. can I accompany you to Kambe's manor? It's still kinda early so you wouldn't have to worry about me getting late for work." (Y/N) shook her head from left to right with his suggestion as she closed the door behind her and made sure that it was now locked. Her sight landed back to the boy before she sketched a demure beam on her lips.

"You don't have to, really. Daisuke's going to fetch me in a few minutes from now." 

Haru bit the inside of his cheek in regards to the statement that she released towards him. Although he wanted to convince her that he can be the one driving her everyday to her workplace, the thought of him being too pushy was persuading him not to do so. He wouldn't want her to become uncomfortable with him so even if it was out of his will, all he could respond to her was a reluctant nod.

(Y/N) looked up from her phone that she used for checking the time, her sight catching a set of golden hued orbs staring at her blankly. She playfully frowned at this as she patted the brunette's back, snapping him out from whatever it is that he was thinking deeply about.

"Come on now! Vamoose! You still have a work to attend to, don't you?" She practically pushed the boy in a childish manner, attempting to get his feet to start walking and exit her yard. Her actions were stopped upon getting struck with a sudden realization.

Haru almost stumbled from his current standing position after not being able to comprehend that (Y/N) was already not supporting his back. He whipped his head to glance at where the young woman was located now, catching her in the middle of her yard while cradling the chicken on her arms.

"I'm sorry for almost forgetting to say my goodbye. I swear I won't do that again!" The (h/c) haired girl peppered the fowl's head with gentle kisses before patting its feathers, the male silently observing her actions of adoration for her pet. As she placed Melvin back to the ground, she heard a miscellaneous series of fake coughs from a certain someone.

(Y/N) shifted her sight to Haru who was playfully pointing towards his cheek, a shy smile plastered triumphantly in his face. She rolled her eyes while emitting some chuckles, immediately knowing what the boy meant. She scrunched her nose without taking off the amused grin that was adorning her lips because of Haru's cheesy actions, her deciding to tease the brunette even more.

"If you wanted to kiss Melvin, he should be the one who you're asking for a permission, not me." 


After a seemingly long day at work, the (h/c)-nette found herself plopping her whole body on the comfort of her sofa. A satisfying groan creep out of her as the fluffiness of its material clutched on her skin in a very relaxing way.

Haru was currently on her backyard, giving Melvin his daily afternoon walks. The boy has been visiting her non-stop but she doesn't really mind tho since he showers her with home-cooked meals.. plus, his presence is actually making her oddly contented.

She felt a hard object resting behind her back to which she immediately grabbed. She realized that it was a phone, most likely Haru's. Just as she was about to place it on the center table, its screen glowed, probably because she accidentally touched the power button. Her eyes darted towards it, noticing that he didn't have a lock screen. The one displayed is a web where a question was placed on the search bar.

Without the instruction of her mind to do so, a huge entertained grin conquered the best of her as her body shook from her attempt to stop her self from laughing. She bit her lip as she reread the words that the boy inputted on the search bar.

'How to become a chicken'

𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now