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my way - ateez 

「forget the hard times, i'll be here.」

yeosang has been seeing jongho almost a lot more than he can count, although he keeps a distance as he didn't want to have jongho question him about his health even though hongjoong told him to just tell jongho he has a medical condition. 

he learned that much like him, jongho has run away from his family who was in seoul and he was partially brought up by his aunt and uncle, he was taking up psychology as he was influenced by seeing about it online and he didn't like that there were a lot of misconceptions being thrown around on the internet

yet everytime the topic goes to yeosang's life, he gives vague answers much to jongho's understanding so they change it right away, he felt comfortable with him and he liked listening to all his stories, he liked hearing him sing, even going for a ride on his motorcycle despite seonghwa's disdain towards the dangerous vehicle.

one particular ride was a bit hard for yeosang as he was halfway through the month of not feeding and it was quite hard when he had to wrap his arms around jongho's torso, pressing his chest to his back and causing his face to be quite close to the student's neck

for a moment he runs his nail on his nape, almost putting pressure on to the skin but jongho mentioned that it tickles and that snapped yeosang out of his temptations. 

it was the day that jongho invited him to his dorm room, after needing some help for a report in seonghwa's class, yeosang pulled a joke as he mentioned that perhaps he was getting close to him so he can pass seonghwa's class but jongho denies it, telling him that he wanted to be friends.

it wasn't easy though, jongho had to ask a bunch of times as yeosang was a little hesitant, more so because seonghwa and hongjoong were also unsure of letting him be alone with jongho, considering the effect of his scent to yeosang.

hongjoong in particular didn't allow it but seonghwa mentioned that perhaps it'd help if he was around him for longer periods of time

judging by how he controlled himself when he was a second away from puncturing jongho's neck and he was starting to get used to animal blood, maybe it was okay but seonghwa made it clear that he will pick him up after the last lecture, which is approximately at 7:00 p.m.

so when yeosang finally agrees, with seonghwa and hongjoong's permission and with the promise that he won't use his abilities towards jongho, the brightest smile crept on to jongho's lips, that gummy smile that made yeosang internally coo. 

yeosang opted to invite yunho over as well but jongho profusedly said no, yeosang still did though but jongho glared at yunho so he can get the message that he wanted yeosang to himself.

that's how they find themselves on the way to jongho's dorm room "i apologize in advance if its a mess," jongho warns as they walked through the hallway 

"no worries, if it bothers me i'll offer to tidy up the place." yeosang offers while jongho opens the door 

"i have a roommate but he's at his classes, don't worry about him when he comes back." the half mortal nods, following him further inside and it wasn't that much of a mess as jongho mentioned, there were a few textbooks here and there but it was okay. 

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