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♬ je te laisserai des mots - patrick watson ♬

「i'll leave you words underneath your door, underneath the singing moon.」

slowly but surely yeosang was beginning to be his happy self again, much to everyone around him being ecstatic as well, especially seonghwa who was seeing the change, every move yeosang made was of course, under his watchful eye but it was to make sure he won't slip into a depressive episode.

he was going out more and more with jongho and yunho, he was catching up with the classes he'd missed, he was back to teaching jongho how to play the piano

in short, yeosang was putting himself out there, he was trying to make friends as he was encouraged by hongjoong to do so, laughing a bit when yeosang shared that there were some students asking him out for dates which yeosang kindly rejects 

but of course, it still earned teasing from the couple who figures he was waiting for jongho as there's an obvious connection, yeosang always blushes at the suggestion but he denies it, saying that jongho most likely sees themselves as just friends.

another day of school had just ended for them, it was fairly rainy which caused the grounds to be not not only iced but also rather dangerous, judging by how yeosang slipped on his way to another building

it didn't hurt but it surely made yunho laugh quite a lot before helping him up, only to fall as well which made yeosang laugh and tell him it was karma.

jongho wasn't in for the morning as he had some stuff to sort out with his family so he left early that morning, despite being almost glued to the hip, yeosang missed him and he was only gone for half a day.

"so, since it's only the two of us," yunho starts out as soon as they sat down on the bench just a few meters away from the courtyard as jongho was on his way 

"do you like jongho?" yeosang coughs up a bit at the question "like as in friends, yeah, of course i do." yunho shakes his head 

"no, i mean do you like him more than that?" it was a tough question to answer for yeosang, considering that he still loves san despite being abandoned by him but at the same time, there's part of him that wants to give himself to jongho yet he fears that he might not be able to commit fully as san still holds half of his heart 

"it's complicated." he mumbles out, looking into the distance as he waited for jongho, secretly waiting for his scent to assault his senses again, it was beginning to be bearable, he wasn't overwhelmed by it anymore.

"i get it but if you were to pursue a relationship together, just take care of him," yeosang nods, yunho was very much like an older brother to jongho as he's always looked out for him starting from when they met

"jongho isn't one who really believes in love, not for edgy reason, he's just scared that his relationship might turn out like his parents' but i can tell he likes you a lot, he's never this soft, not even around me." yunho chuckles, yeosang did as well as he tells him that whether or not it progressed into something more than just friendship, he'll take care of jongho as he's one of his first genuine friend in the university.

"mingi did mention something about you having a unpleasant experience with your last relationship so i understand why you're also careful." yeosang nods, tilting his head but he didn't want to bring the mood down 

"mingi? you talk to him informally now?" he asks, wiggling his brows causing yunho to bite down on his bottom lip 

"we've been going on more dates, just waiting for it to be official." yunho says shyly, ears becoming red at the talks of his not-boyfriend 

"mingi is great, he's boyfriend material, he visits us a lot and he buys me stuff i want to give to jongho." yeosang immediately bit his tongue as it slipped out but yunho catches on, an amused look on his face as he was ready to interrogate yeosang 

"you give him gifts? jongho and i are so lucky to have sugar daddies." yeosang whines, denying it and clarifying what he meant 

"i haven't given anything to him yet but i have some vinyls i was going to give to him before my sudden hiatus." yunho mocks him teasingly which yeosang didn't take offense to just as he caught jongho's scent, making him stand up and go further down the steps, although confused, yunho just follows.

and in a few more minutes, jongho finally comes in on his motorcycle, he was careful as the roads were fairly dangerous in this time of the month but as he had parked, he was distracted as he takes off his helmet

oblivious that a car had skidded on to some ice and it was spinning uncontrollably towards him, the lot was close to being empty as everyone was keeping themselves warm inside the classrooms so no one was able to warn jongho.

yeosang obviously sees this as panic struck him and out of pure instinct and in blinding speed, yeosang had wrapped himself over jongho's frozen body, just seconds before the car collided towards them.

with wide eyes, yeosang had unintentionally revealed himself "sang?" jongho had fear in his eyes upon realizing what the fuck had just happened

his motorcycle had fallen to the ground, the car had bounced back a few inches but there was a noticeable dent on to the passenger seat door 

"i-" yeosang was at a lost for words as he helps jongho up, calling upon yunho who had just gotten to the scene and he was already on the phone, yeosang's pupils felt like shaking as he drops his head down "get him to the hospital, now." 


"i fucked up, i fucked up bad!" hongjoong hears yeosang yell, along with the door slamming, he wasn't supposed to be home for a few more hours but here he was, along with seonghwa. 

he was frantic, pacing around the room, biting on his finger while seonghwa was as stressed 

"what happened?" hongjoong takes hold of his shoulders, pulling his finger away from his fangs 

"your son just exposed himself to jongho." seonghwa says, sighing as he plops down on the couch and yeosang instantly sobs, like he was a child who had just got in trouble 

"what did you do, baby fangs?" hongjoong asks softly, he didn't want to add more to his despair but he couldn't really understand yeosang's blabbering so he sits him down, letting him bury his face on a throw pillow to muffle his cries.

"babe, what happened?" hongjoong turned to seonghwa 

"jongho almost got crushed by a car but yeosang, due to his protective instinct, put himself in between and you know what happens next." seonghwa wasn't disappointed, rather worried as to how jongho will take it, more importantly, how yeosang is going to explain himself.

"just beat around the bush until he forgets about it, unless you wanna tell him." hongjoong shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal, well, it really wasn't if jongho and yunho keeps his secret 

"i'm scared that it will drive him away." his voice was muffled into the pillow while seonghwa sighs again 

"you won't baby, you saved him and the least he can do is keep your secret." this time yeosang lifts his head up 

"i-i can tell him?" he asks, unsure as his father had always told him that their story can never be told as anyone who can know may use it against them in exchange for power and immortality, yeosang himself got a firsthand experience.

the couple was about to say something more when a knock on the door cuts their conversation off 

"it's him! he's come for me!" yeosang rambles, running and stumbling up the stairs, causing hongjoong to facepalm at his clumsiness before he opens the door to see jongho, demanding in a polite manner that he needed to speak to yeosang.

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