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middle of somewhere - the neighbourhood 

「i'm somewhere far, away from where i started with no point of return.」

hongjoong was frantic as he ran inside the university, when he seonghwa left that morning everything was okay, being told him to keep an eye on yeosang as he was still feeling the guilt of thinking about killing jongho.

but as hours passed he couldn't hear yeosang's thoughts nor could he find him anywhere in the house

he didn't have any luck at the place where they usually hunt and the lack of destruction on the forest floor was evidence enough that yeosang wasn't there and like the cherry on top, he was not answering his phone either but as far as he knows his belongings were still in his room.

"move out of the way!" he jogged all over the halls, careful not to be too quick as it may come as a suspicion, he didn't care about who he was bumping into or pushing, he just needed to get to seonghwa to tell him about yeosang.

he pushed the doors open in seonghwa's classroom, causing everyone's eyes to turn to him "seonghwa i need to talk to you, now!" seonghwa sighs, excusing himself from his students as he approaches hongjoong. 

yunho and jongho were curious as hongjoong seemed to be rambling and all over the place while seonghwa was trying to calm him down, so being the nosy students that they are, they slowly transfered from one seat to another until they can be within earshot.

they turn their heads to each other upon hearing the words "yeosang" and "missing", yunho was unable to hold jongho back as he staggers to the couple 

"jongho, come back here," yunho runs towards him, grabbing him by the back of his sweater, apologizing to their elders in the process 

"no, i wanna know, where is yeosang?" jongho asks, hongjoong sighs, turning back to seonghwa who looked calm but on the inside he was just as frazzled 

"look, i have no clue where he could be, i left him out of my sight for a few hours and i looked everywhere- hwa, i'm so sorry!" seonghwa hushes his boyfriend, pulling him close and hugging him, letting him know that he wasn't at fault.

"you two, do you have any clue where he might be?" the students shake their head, yeosang wasn't really one to share, hell, he doesn't even share what kind of places he hangs out in 

"joong, get back to the car, i'll call mingi to see if he's there." seonghwa pats his boyfriend's back, telling the two to sit down before he goes back to the center of the room 

"class, unfortunately we're gonna have to cut our lesson short as there has been an emergency, to the remaining reporters, please take time to do more research on your topics. class dismissed." 

"jongho, i don't think we should meddle," yunho holds on to jongho's arm as the younger followed seonghwa out of the building 

"i need to know if he's okay, please," jongho knows that yunho won't be able to resist his pout 

"don't look at me like that." yunho tries to close his eyes but jongho grabs his hands as he pouts even more, it took some time before yunho agrees and they ended up running towards seonghwa.

"hyung, can we help?" jongho asks while seonghwa was throwing his stuff in his own car, not far from where hongjoong had parked 

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