𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Drowning verb

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verb.  gerund or present participle: drowning
die through submersion in and inhalation of water.

"Don't touch me!"

"What happened to you?"

"You would have known
if you didn't send me away
like i was trash."

" I was young and stupid back then!"

"That dosent change anything, you were my father!"


People worship me as if I was their God

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People worship me as if I was their God. Begged me for the answer, answers that I made up on the spot. Everything an illusion of power and knowledge. What I wrote was law. Because they didn't know that what I wrote was shaped of desperation and deception. I was a god, their God.


In a Castel long long away a class of 9  kids that used to be 10 was standing still in a circle, all the children 19 years old. The Castel was a school for kids with parents so busy that they didn't even have time to have the kids around and so rich that they could afford to pay a multi  million tuition.

On the first day at the castle when they were just three years old they got to play with toys, the second day the toys slowly disappear by the hour, later they get pre teen toys, then at day three they are getting seated on chairs in a class room in front of a smart board. Every week they upgrade by one grade at the end of the first year they are ready for their master. In the time it went to come so long, they hade all followed the same routine. This routine would they follow till they were nineteen. When they would be able to speak every language on earth and more. Like being able to build a space ship, without help.

Wake up 4.30 am, five minutes shower, get dressed, breakfast, 5:00 is the first lesson P.E: this include swimming, archery,marshal arts , gymnastics, ballet and ice skating, after two lessons a fruit is given to the each of the children, 6:00- 12:00 lessons, Lunch 12:05: 12:35, After that a 30 minutes walk takes place, later will a hour of créatif subjects takes place as cappella, cooking, art, textile and more. Later takes a three hours lesson place. This follows with dinner. 18: 05 is time for a 10 minutes walk. 18:15 is there a lesson till 19.00. After that its time for a shower,and a change till a nightgown. This followed up with tea and biscuits. 20:00 is the light out. Every Sunday instead of a creative lesson the will have either a traditional dancing lesson or a manners one.

Every meal they eat, every subject, every movement is calculated into the smallest detail. Each child is dressed exactly the same, and to avoid any sort of bullying the got their hair bleached and cut the exact way. They have the exact same toy (in singular), the exact same bedding, books and so on. The only thing that they could build even the smallest sense of identity was the creative lessons, even those were limited.

The 10 children that lived in the Castel hade forgotten that they even hade parents at the time they were four. The teachers hade taken that role. They taught them how to apply make up and how to tie a tie and so on. They hade never been outside the walls that was wrapped around the Castel, the only way they knew how the outside world look liked was from the books they read and studied.

But this is the story about the missing child that would have been with other children in the circle.

Her name is Alexandra Elisabeth Stark. Her middle name was her mother's name. The mother that was afraid that her child would die in the first wizard war, so she left her to grow up with her father. The father was the great Tony Stark. He was all too busy to even have him say hello to the ball of sun light. Instead he decided to send her away to the boarding school.

In where she would at age 11 get pulled out by a professor from hogwarts to study at the school, a school full with magic. By this time her mother would have died in a heroic (manic) act and her father forgotten everything about her. She fast adopted into her new life of magic and friends. She never could stop waking up at 4:30. Time went on and she was first in mastering every subject you could possibly read at hogwarts. As her brain still thought that she was in that Castel. 1 year of eduction in one week.

At the time of Harrys arrival she hade realised she was a lesbian and finished her eduction to be a professor. As she was terrified of the outside world, and couldn't possibly find a career outside of it. But yet again she was only mere 12 years old at the time.

Every year at the end of the trimester she would get sucked into the golden trios heroic acts. Which she of course knew was something to do with Dumbledore great plan.

As the second wizard war was over  she hade turned 16 years old, well that was just physical. As she hade taken a failed potion that hade turned her three years younger. The potion wasn't a complete fail, as she toke it to heal from a life threatening injury. Regressing itself to a age were her body wasn't in any major harm. She hadn't really thought about the consequences until it was too late.  At least she didn't turn into a cat. As she was one of the most powerful witches of her time no one could reverse it or fix the damage. Well, if she did she would die. With that all her documents did magically  change,  as if they didn't unnecessarily attention would get direct against her and her friends .

She knew that she needed to move away from all magic, as now all the magic was more terrifying then the outside of the castels walls.

A reckless choice in the mist of panic. It made her forgot that she was yet to be at legal age of living alone, in the states. She tried to rent a place with some of the money she hade saved. However she got reported to child severses and send to her biological father, the great Tony stark. A man that hade no clue that he hade a child.

There will be topics such as death, blood, violence,
strong language, as well of  "terrifying" lesbians.

You now have been warned!
Read at your own risk.

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