proposal (wendy)

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Wendys p.o.v
*5 years later*


So i was going to go see Luke play at one of his concerts, 5SOS have been doing great im so happy for all of them. i was in the crowd and singing along with the boys, Mallory was beside me and just kept looking at me with the biggest smile... creepy. just then in the middle of the song they stopped playing, i was confused.
"hey guys, im really sorry for stopping but i have a song that i would like to sing for someone very special to me who is in the crowd, Wendy you have made these past 5 years amazing and i love you with all my heart, this is for you" he said and the crowd cheered, but  was still very confused while Mallory was so excited i taught she was going to pass out of excitement.... just then they started playing again and Luke started to sing.
"105 is number that comes to my head,
when i think of all the years i wanna be with you,
wake up every morning with you in my bed, 
thats precisely what i plan to do.
and you know on of these days when i get my money right,
buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life"      he started to walk of stage make his way over to me but i couldnt move, thats until Mallory pushed me into the walk way. He came up to me and grabbed my hand...
"we'll forever be in love,
so there aint no need to rush,
but one day i wont be able to ask you loud enough"      he got down on one knee and grabbed a box out of his pocket and opened it to show a beautiful ring.
"ill say will you marry me?
i swear that i will mean it,
ill say will you marry me?"     and he stopped and so did the rest of the guys  " so Wendy... will you do me the honers of marrying me?" he asked
"yes, i would love to" i said and he put the ring on my finger and kissed me, everyone screamed and cheered we pulled apart and they started playing the rest of the song and the whole time Luke was looking at me, i couldnt be any happier!

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