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(Home With You - Madison Beer)
[I watched 365 DNI earlier- fuck.]
''Rudy, it's three in the fucking morning, I have a class in six hours'' You groan, the palms of Rudy's hands covering your eyes. ''Don't get your panties in a twist, you'll like it. I promise'' Rudy chuckles. ''I'm going, to be honest with you, if it isn't a dog I don't want it''
''It isn't a dog...but a dog could go in it'' Rudy says, leading to god knows where. ''Ready....3...2....1...Surprise!'' Rudy says, revealing a large hotel pool. ''Are you fucking kidding me? we were here five hours ago!'' You snap. ''Well...Whatever. I'm going in, care to join pouty pants?'' Rudy chuckles, shedding his t-shirt and jean shorts. ''No Rudy, I'm not going. If we get caught, we get a $100 fine. I'm not rich like you, Pankow'' You snap, your arms folded. ''Wouldn't you love to be me'' Rudy smirks. ''Fuck off'' You say, rolling your eyes. ''Well if you're not going, I guess I just have to push you in''
''You wouldn't dare''
''Your right, I wouldn't push my girlfriend, what kind of boyfriend would I be?''
''Thank you''
''You thought'' Rudy laughs, pushing you in.
''Rudy, it's fucking freezing!''
''Calabanga!'' Rudy screams, jumping into the large pool. ''Rudy, I love you, but you are a absolute pain in the ass''
''I love you too, baby!'' Rudy says, kissing your cheek. ''Ew, cooties!'' You yell. Rudy scoffs, ''fuck you'' He says, splashing you with water. ''Rudy, it's cold!'' you whisper-yell. ''Boo hoo'' Rudy mocks. ''I've always wanted to have sex in the pool'' Rudy winks. ''Rudy it's after midnight''
''So? That's even better!'' Rudy smirks, his lips attaching to your neck.
''Hey! Who's in there?'' A sudden voice says. ''Shit!'' You mumble, hopping out of the pool. Rudy grabs his clothes, running to your reserved hotel room. ''Look what you did, jackass. There are four security guards chasing after us'' You say, whacking the side of his head gently. ''Chillax, you need to loosen up party pooper'' Rudy chuckles, opening his hotel room. You both run inside the hotel room, locking the door. You flop on the bed, soaked. ''Well, that was fun'' Rudy says, flopping next to you. ''No, no it wasn't'' You say, glaring at Rudy. ''You're such a Debbie downer'' Rudy chuckles, playing with your hair. ''You're a dumb ass''
''If I'm being honest, it was a little fun.'' You giggle, your arms wrapping around his torso. ''Oh, would you look at that. The piss pants aren't so pissy'' Rudy laughs.''And you ruined the moment, Congratulations sir'' You chuckle, rolling off the bed. ''Where are you going''
''I'm showering'' You say. ''Can I join?''
''What?'' you yell.
''I said-''
''Do you hear that?''
''I said-''
''Did I go deaf?'' you yell, slamming the bathroom door. ''Fuck you'' Rudy says
''Awe, I love you too!''
I didn't know how to end this but club part two will be published later or tomorrow morning :)