Chapter 2

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Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT! Harry thought as he looked up into the blood-red eyes of a very human Lord Voldemort. I said I wanted a safe place. SAFE! Not somewhere that I could get killed! If I knew I was going to end up here, I would have let Malfoy have me.

Harry stared up at the man who killed his parents in horror and fascination. Gone was the baldhead and snake-like face he had seen in the Graveyard just 3 years before. Instead, it was like the one he had met 2nd year except this one was older and had red eyes.

Then Harry became aware of a sound. It was soft yet loud. What is that sound? He thought and listened closely. Oh hell no! Tell me it isn't coming from me! He listened again. Shit! It is coming from me. I shouldn't be purring! He's the bloody Dark Lord! He shouted at himself to stop it right now. But it feels sooo good, the back of his mind said. No! It had to stop. He had to getaway. So he did the only thing he could. He bit him.

"Ow!" Tom exclaimed and jerked his hand away and Harry jumped away from him, "Ungrateful little...!" Harry stood back and hissed at him. Tom glared at him and then reached out to grab him and Harry swiped at him with his claws. Tom abruptly snatched his hand back. "What's wrong with you? You were just fine a minute ago."

Harry darted away as the hand came toward him again. He took a defensive stance and hissed at him, the hair on his back standing on end.

Tom sighed, "It's my eyes isn't it?" he asked. Harry nearly fell over at the question. He flicked one of his ears and cocked his head to the side. What is he talking about?

Taking advantage of his confusion, Tom scooped him up and placed him back in his lap. Harry tried to scramble away, but the fingers started stroking him again, turning him into a mass of purring goo.

"I might have gotten my old body back but my eye color wasn't part of the deal. It's stuck this way unless I use a glamour but that's too much trouble. Plus it scares my followers." Tom glanced down at him with a chuckle, "I have no idea why I'm even telling you this."

Me neither. But it does explain a lot. Harry thought as he purred.

"Well. You certainly are better company than those sorry excuse for followers I have." Tom said with a sigh, putting Harry aside and laying down on the bed.

Nooo! Don't stop! Harry whined, but then he caught himself. No. Now is my chance to escape. He darted to the edge of the bed and looked over the side. It was still too high. The sheets underneath him moved suddenly and Harry found himself tilting forward toward the floor. He cried out in alarm and the hand grabbed him and placed him on a silk pillow.

"Careful kitten. You don't want to fall. You'll hurt yourself because you're so small." Tom said and settled himself inside of his bed. I'm not that small, Harry grumbled. "Why don't you get some sleep," Tom said with a yawn, "We'll figure out what to do with you tomorrow." With that said Tom turned out the lights and lay back down and went to sleep.

Harry hardly had a choice; he was too scared to jump off the bed, even more so now that the light was out. He could hardly see anything. So he curled up on the pillow beside Tom and went to sleep.


Harry woke up in the morning with sunlight hitting his face. He kept his eyes closed and yawned. It was just a nightmare. A weird one, but a nightmare all the same. There's no way I could be with Voldemort. Harry rolled onto his side and stretched leisurely then opened his eyes to face the day. But instead of the familiar scene of the Gryffindor dorm room, he was met with a pair of blood-red eyes.

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