Chapter 4

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Tom stared down at the sleeping kitten in his arms. He didn't know what it was about it that brought out a side of him that he had completely forgotten about. And surprisingly, he didn't care.

All he knew was that when he heard that splash and frantic mewing from his bathroom and saw that helpless little kitten, he didn't even think, just acted. Next thing he knew, a wet furry black kitten with the most gorgeous green eyes was clinging to his hand. The poor thing had been terrified, so he just decided to take care of it.

I need the company anyways, Tom thought stroking the fuzzy ears on the kittens' head who he had christened Harry. It's better than those godforsaken followers I have. They couldn't hold a decent conversation if they tried.

Even though Harry was a cat, Tom had a strange feeling that Harry could understand him. Also that the kitten had an underlying presence of magic around him. Though both were surprising, Tom passed it off on Harry being extraordinarily smart and a magical creature of some sort.

But even for a smart cat, the thing sure did cause a lot of trouble. Tom had nearly lost his temper several times that day. Harry had scratched his face that morning and he had just woken up too. It wasn't exactly how he wanted to start the day. He had wanted to kill the stupid cat right then and there. But he hadn't been able to resist the cute furry kitten, so he had let it live.

I must be going soft, Tom mused to himself, but he would never admit it out loud.

He hadn't thought that taking care of a cat would be so hard. Boy was he wrong. Harry got into absolutely everything! His paperwork and books were torn to shreds, broken vases everywhere; he had even gotten into Tom's clothes! He literally destroyed everything it touched. And Merlin! His potions too. It had taken forever to make and he now he had to make more since Harry had been wearing most of it.

Oh, how he dreaded what came after that. Giving Harry a bath had been a nightmare. I think I have more scratches on me now than I ever had in my lifetime, Tom thought looking at his arms. He sure puts up a good fight for something so small.

Tom sighed and placed the sleeping kitten on his bed. Tom didn't know why, but the kitten reminded him of Harry Potter. Getting into everything and pissing him off. But especially those green eyes. He would never say it aloud, but Potter had beautiful eyes, just like the cats. They were remarkably similar. Tom shook his head. I must be going crazy if I think that they are even close to being the same. I can tolerate Harry's presence.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harry rollover onto is side. Tom smiled; he had to admit that the kitten was cute. And more trouble than its worth, he thought fondly as Harry purred in slumber.

Tom had yet to figure out how Harry had ended up in his bathtub, or his house for that matter. No one has been able to get through the wards before, so it was confusing how Harry had. I'll have to strengthen them. I can't have the Order finding me. He hated how the Order of the bloody Phoenix kept messing up his plans, especially Potter. Why couldn't he just die like he's supposed to?

Tom sighed. He didn't want to think about Potter right now. How his eyes blazed when he was angry and how expressive his face was. He shook his head and looked down at the kitten and touched one of his ears, which flickered away.

"Let's hope you don't get sick again," he muttered, "I have no idea what the first thing to do about taking care of a kitten, or anything for that matter." He didn't want Harry to die because he was an incompetent owner. Plus Harry was the only one that didn't flinch and cower at the sight of him.

Harry had scared him when he had just fallen over and started shivering like mad. Luckily he knew what the cause was that time. I'll have to read up on how to take care of cats, Tom thought as he lay down with a groan, I'll do it tomorrow. Merlin was he tired! And it had only been one day. Who knows what would happen from now on. He would have to get as much sleep as he could.

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