Chapter 14

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Harry and Tom arrived back in Riddle Manor's reception area with the Death Eaters popping in behind them. Tom did not stop his pace even though apparition and headed to the side door leading to the staircase.

"Leave. I have no wish to see you," Tom called out over his shoulder and the Death Eaters bowed and left with various cracks.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked wrapping his tail around Tom's arm and putting his head on his shoulder.

"Bedroom," Tom answered shortly and continued his walking, taking the stairs two at a time. His sole purpose was focused on having Harry naked underneath him.

Harry shivered in delight and kissed the side of his neck and breathed in Tom's scent. "I missed you so much. I thought I would never be able to see you again."

"I wouldn't have let that happen. I would have torn down the whole school if I had to," Tom whispered against his ear and kicked open their bedroom door.

"You would?"

"Yes, I would. Dumbledore be damned."

Harry giggled, "They were all confused as to why I wanted to go back. They thought you did something to me."

"Really?" Tom asked.

"Uh-huh. Even after they knew nothing was wrong they still wouldn't let me go," Harry said lowering his ears.

"They shouldn't have taken you from me in the first place," Tom growled as he laid Harry on the bed, "whoever took you from me is going to pay." Tom crawled over him and started covering his neck with kisses.

"Snape was just doing his job, he-"

Tom pulled away from his neck, "Snape? Severus Snape?"

Harry snapped his mouth shut and cursed himself. He had just let slip very important information.

"Severus took you from me? He is the spy?" Tom hissed, his eyes glowing red in anger.

"Tom," Harry cried out in alarm and took his face in his hands, "Don't be mad please."

"Mad? Oh no, Harry. I'm beyond mad," Tom said already plotting the potions masters' painful death.

"Tom. He was just doing what he thought was right." Harry pleaded, but Tom wasn't listening.

"He took you from me. He is going to pay dearly," Tom growled.

"Don't hurt him please."

"Oh, I'm going to do so much more than just hurt him."

"Tom, please! Don't-"

"Why?" Tom snapped.

Harry flinched back, "Be-because he had to. He thought I was in danger. He put his own life on the line to bring me back to safety," Harry stared up into Tom's angry face, "They don't know you like I do. You changed from what you were before."

Tom looked at the pleading look in Harry's eyes and knew he was right, "He still betrayed me, Harry. I can't let him go unpunished."

"Then...don't hurt him too much."

"Why are you protecting him? I thought you hated him."

"I do. But he's...he's," Harry sighed, "I don't know. Even though we hate each other. He still does his best to protect me. That has to count for something."

"Yes but still," Tom said his eyes glowing a deep red the more he thought about it.

"Don't be mad. It scares me," Harry whimpered.

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