Chapter 5

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After the scare with the potions, Harry was a lot more careful when exploring around the manor. There could be all sorts of stuff around that were dangerous, especially in the house of a Dark Lord.

But said Dark Lord really wasn't that bad as Harry came to realize. Over the last three weeks, Tom would feed him, bathe him (much to Harry's displeasure) and let him run around the manor or a certain room while Tom did paperwork. He had to say that he had gotten remarkably better at caring for him. He also created some toys for Harry to entertain himself with.

Harry absolutely loved his ball of yarn. Tom had discovered Harry's fascination with the curtain strings and had conjured a ball of yarn for Harry to play with. They were both happy. It kept Harry entertained for hours and Tom was able to get work done without worrying that he would get into anything. All was good.

Harry found that he enjoyed Tom's company. He was able to sit on Tom's desk while he worked and watch and sometimes help when he could. Like jumping on papers he needed or bringing him a new quill. In return, Tom would scratch his ears and let him take a nap on his lap.

Once in a while, if Harry was bored he would cause trouble and run around the house and get into things. And Tom would have to chase after him and scold him. But he always forgave him, who could resist his adorable kitty face.

Right now, Harry was bored out of his mind. Tom wouldn't let him out of the bedroom for the last three days and it was starting to really annoy him. So when Tom got up that morning, he didn't listen to Tom's usual "stay in the room," and when the door was open, Harry took off.

"Harry No!" Tom called out and took off after him. "Now's not a very good time for this," he muttered.

Now one thing that Harry learned during his stay was that he couldn't go down the stairs very quickly, but given some time, he could do it. So as he came upon the stairs, he hid behind a plant and watched as Tom ran right past him and continued down the hallway. When he was sure Tom was gone. He went to the stairs and started to slowly make his way down them. It took a while, but after he was on the ground floor he went down the hallway to go to Tom's office to wait for him there. Along the way, Harry ran into someone he never wanted to see again.

"Oh! Look at the pwetty kitty," cooed the voice of Bellatrix Lestrange as she spotted him come around the corner.

Harry hissed, raising the hair on his back, Bellatrix! God how he hated her. She took his godfather from him right when he had gotten him back. He would never forgive her. Ever!

"Where did you come from kitty cat?" she asked advancing on him. "I can't have you running around our Lord's Manor like you belong here."

He wants me here. I can't say the same for you, you bitch, he growled at her.

"Aw. You're so small," she cooed as she stopped in front of him. Harry flexed his claws, Don't you dare pick me up. Don't you dare! She picked him up. Harry started struggling in her hands using his claws to mark up whatever he could. "Settle down kitty cat!" she snarled at him.

Harry stilled and hung limply in her hands. "Good kitty," she cooed sickeningly and turned him around so that they were face to face. "You're so cute!" she said and rubbed her cheek against his fur. Harry growled low in his throat. Get your fucking hands off me! You're dirtying my fur. When she stopped and held him in front of her face, Harry brought out his claws and sunk them into her face deep and dragged them downward slowly. Bellatrix screeched in pain and pulled him away, but not before he did some real damage. She now had deep grooves on either side of her face to go along with her crazy look. "You stupid cat!!" she yelled and threw him against the wall.

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