Chapter 9

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Albus Dumbledore was worried. His most prized student, one which he considered as his grandson, was missing. It wasn't like the usual times when Harry disappeared. Albus always knew where he was during those times and had some fraction of knowledge of what Harry was doing, and he almost always had his friends with him. But not this time. Harry had been gone for over a month now and no one had seen head or tail of him. And he meant that quite literally.

A month ago the Potion's Master had come in, as sour as always, leading a very confused looking Draco Malfoy. Draco claimed that he had walked into the Potions classroom while Harry had detention and that he had screwed up his potion and turned himself into a cat. Then he had disappeared, just like that, and that he had nothing to do with it. Albus had, of course, seen right through the young Slytherin and knew that he had lied and had a hand in Harry's new predicament.

But that didn't matter. What did matter was that there was a lost black kitten out there somewhere, probably frightened out of his mind. He had the Order out looking for him, but it was kind of hard to find something so small, and they had no leads. Albus must have looked at dozens of black cats, none of them Harry. There was no trace of him anywhere. He had just...vanished. The only thing was how? You couldn't apparate or disapparate at Hogwarts, he should know as he was the headmaster, so how did Harry get out? Where was he now?

Albus sighed and rubbed his forehead, and then looked out the window to the many students out roaming the grounds, oblivious to what was going on, So many questions yet no answers, he thought. His worry was that Voldemort would find out and take advantage of this. There was no doubt about that, having Harry out there on his own without his protection was a perfect opportunity to finally finish what he has been set out to do. Albus shuttered at the thought. No. They must find Harry first. He was their only hope to win this war.

But it seemed that the Dark Lord had been busy lately planning a raid and a big one at that. It was timely yet unfortunate, mainly because it distracted him while they tried to find Harry, but it would be a disaster if they let it go. Severus had been called unexpectedly and had rushed off to his 'master.' All Albus had to do was wait to see what Tom was planning that needed Severus' corporation, and intercept it.

The bad thing about waiting during a bad situation was that you keep visualizing even worse scenarios. Albus was in the middle of watching a terrified black kitten running across a muggle road with oncoming traffic when the door burst open. He jumped slightly, then composed himself and greeted a slightly out of breath Severus Snape.

He smiled brightly. "Ah, Severus. How did it go?"

"The Dark Lord has Potter!"


2 hours later, after a hasty explanation from Severus, Albus called an emergency Order meeting. Now he waited at the head of the large kitchen table at Number12 Grimmauld Place for everyone to arrive. When they did, he called for silence.

"I am sorry to have to pull you away from your busy schedules so suddenly, but we have found Harry's location."

Loud murmuring of relief and confusion ran around the room. If they found him, why wasn't he here?

"Where is he, Albus?" Remus Lupin asked, worry evident in the werewolf's face.

Albus paused and saw that every face was turned toward him. "In the home of Lord Voldemort," he said at last. A collective gasp arose from everyone and people started to voice their questions.

"How did he end up there?"

"Is he alright?"

"How are we going to get him out?"

"Does You-Know-Who know?"

Albus put his hand up for silence and the room gradually went quiet. "Now. I do not know how he got there, but he is. From what Severus told me Harry was fine." A sigh of relief went through the room.

"How do you know it was him?" Molly Weasley asked.

"The Dark Lord called me earlier," Severus said softly, drawing everyone's attention, "Potter was sitting on his lap."

"But how-"

"Black cat, green eyes. Plus he recognized me. It was him. He actually seemed quite content there." Severus said flatly.

"How can he be content!" Remus shouted, unable to keep his anger in check.

"He was purring!" Severus sneered.

Remus opened his mouth to retort. "Remus. Severus," Albus warned softly and Remus closed his mouth and turned away. "I know you are worried, Remus. But you need to remain calm. Fighting will get us nowhere to help Harry."

Remus nodded. "Does Voldemort know that that's Harry?"

Albus looked at Severus. "It didn't seem like it," Severus answered. "But he does know that Potter is missing."

"How?" Someone asked.

"Lucius Malfoy," Severus said.

"His son must have told him what happened, who in turn told You-Know-Who," Kingsley said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Does he know Harry's a cat?"

"If he did. The Dark Lord didn't say anything. If he doesn't, he hasn't put two and two together yet, but it's only a matter of time." Severus stated. "The Dark Lord is currently looking for Potter himself."

"We have to get him out of there," Molly cried, "Before HE finds out."

"I know Molly," Albus said calmly. "Now Severus. Is there a way to get into Riddle Manor undetected?"

Severus thought for a minute. "I do not think so. The Dark Lord has his home heavily warded. He would know instantly if someone broke in."

"I thought so," Albus murmured stroking his beard.

"If I might headmaster," Severus said slowly. "Is someone were to go, that the Dark Lord deems trustworthy..." he trailed off, watching everyone in the room.

Albus' eyes started twinkling, "Severus. Are you offering to go rescue Harry?"

"Oh, Severus! You would do that?" Molly asked, eyes glistening with tears.

Severus sneered. "I am the only one that can get in and out without causing suspicion."

"But you'll do it?" Remus asked hopefully.

"Obviously," Severus stated flatly folding his arms. "It's not that I care about the brat, he is the only one who has the power to defeat the Dark Lord."

Albus smiled, "Then it's settled. Severus will bring Harry back home to us."

Severus nodded. "It won't be easy. I'll have to watch the movements of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters carefully in order to get in and out safely."

"Try not to get caught. We still need you," Albus said looking over his half-moon spectacles at him.

"I won't. It shouldn't be that hard. Finding him will be the problem." Severus said in thought. "I got the impression that the Dark Lord keeps Potter close at all times."

"Why?" Someone asked, "Why would he keep such a small thing as a cat close to him?"

"I do not know," Albus said thoughtfully. That is the question isn't it Tom? Why?

"Comfort?" Someone offered.

Everyone snorted. "Very unlikely."

"Maybe just for company?"

"Possible," Albus said, and then turned to Severus as he got up to leave. "Prepare yourself and good luck."

He nodded and left with a swish of his cloak.

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