Chapter 12

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Tom paced in front of his throne in the reception hall of his manor; his Death Eaters were gathered in front of him waiting nervously for him to speak and declare the punishment they knew was coming. For they had let Harry Potter, their master's lover, to be kidnapped. And Tom was furious.

How dare these incompetent fools allow it to happen. And right under their noses. He was even more furious with himself for not hearing anything and coming to Harry's aid when he most needed it. But he hadn't sensed anything.

After Tom had concluded that Harry was nowhere in the house, he had briefly entertained the thought that Harry had left on his own, but he immediately dismissed the thought. Harry had said that he loved him and Tom believed it, plus he would have run away already if that were true. But that would be disregarding the papers littering the hallway, which he didn't. No, Harry had been taken, and against his will. And whoever did erased their tracks well.

Tom had done a magical scan in the hallway and only came up with Harry's magical signature and that was it. But there was another one that Tom did not know; it was obviously covered up because there was magical residue from a silencing charm and a stunner. Which was why no one had heard anything and how Harry was taken away. When he found the person responsible for taking his Harry, he was going to pay.

Tom stopped his pacing and slowly turned to address his Death Eaters who had tensed up in fear. "How is it," he said slowly, "that no one was able to detect a stranger in our midst?" he asked but no one answered.

"Maybe one of you let him in?" he pondered. This time the Death Eaters immediately protested.

"Never my lord."

"We would never do something like that."

"...never betray you."

"SILENCE!!!" Tom shouted. And they quieted again.

"If no one let them in why is it that no one saw Harry being taken away? Hmmm?" he paused, but no one answered again. "Avery!" he snapped suddenly.

A big Death Eater in the middle of the group snapped his head up immediately. "Y-Yes my lord?"

"You were on duty in that section of my manor where you not?"

Avery gulped and looked around at the other Death Eaters for help. He found none.

"Avery! Answer me!" Tom snarled.

"Y-yes my lord. I was."

"You were? Then why pray tell didn't you stop it?"

"I-I didn't see anything."

"You didn't see anything? You didn't see a foreigner come into the manor and walk right past you. You didn't see them take my Harry and walk out again?"

Avery quivered in fear, "N-No my lord."

Tom's eyes glowed a deep red and he whipped out his wand, "Crucio!" he snarled and Avery started screaming and withering on the floor. After 3 seconds, he released it. "Peterson!" he then called out, his temper rising even more.

"Y-yes my lord," another death eater answered quivering in fear.

"You were in charge of guarding the entrance hall, correct?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Did you see anything?"

"N-no my lord."

"And why not?" Tom asked his eyes glowing a deep red.

"I-I was watching my lord, but I d-didn't see anyone come in."

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