Chapter 11

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As Harry slowly came back to consciousness, he heard people talking around him.

"...happened to him?"

"...know...Found him..."


The more he came awake the more the words made sense. They were talking about him that was for sure. Where am I? Harry thought. He moved his head slightly. I'm lying down on a bed and it smells like disinfectant. I know that smell. But where...

"Why is he like this? What's with the-the ears!"

"My guess is either the potion wore off or someone made a cure that left him like this."

"Why did you stun him?"

"I had to," someone sneered, "he didn't want to leave."

I know that voice, Harry thought.

"What! Why would he want to stay there with-with that monster."

I know that voice too. What is Remus doing here? He thought in confusion. And did they say monster? What monster? Doesn't matter, Tom will protect me. Wait, Tom! Where is Tom? Harry blinked his eyes against the sun streaming into his eyes and lifted his hand to block it.

"He's awake!" a woman's voice said and then spoke right next to him. "Mr. Potter. How are you feeling?"

Harry peered up at her with one eye. "Madame Pomfrey?" he asked hoarsely.

"Yes, dear. You're at Hogwarts. You're safe now."

"Safe?" Harry asked. Then everything came back to him. Going for Tom's papers, being attacked by Snape...

He shot up in bed looking around frantically and the people around him jumped back in surprise. "Where am I? Where's Tom?"

Madame Pomfrey pushed him back down against the pillows. "It's alright now Harry. You don't need to worry. And I told you that you're at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts? No! That's not right. I'm supposed to be at Riddle Manor. I want to go back!"

"Harry," Remus said stepping forward, "Surely you don't mean that."

"Yes, I do! I want to go back. I want my Tom!" Harry wailed flattening his ears and coiling his tail around him.

"You do know who Tom is right? He's Voldemort," Remus reasoned, "You hate him."

"I know that, but I don't care. I love him!" Harry shouted and struggled out of bed.

Everyone gasped and stood still in shock. So Harry made a dash for the door, but Snape caught his arm.

"Let go of me!" Harry snapped.

"Potter you're obviously delusional."

"I am not. I love him, I love him, I love him!" he screamed, "I want to go back!"


"No! I don't want to hear it. I'm going back."

"You will not. I did not just risk my life to save you only for you to get captured again," Snape hissed, but looked slightly unnerved.

"That's your fault. I didn't ask to be saved. I was fine," Harry shouted still struggling, even using his claws to dig into Snape's arm but he wouldn't budge.

"Harry. You need to calm down," Remus said soothingly, trying to get over his shock.

"No, I will not be calm. You took me from Tom."

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