Chapter 13

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Screaming could be heard for miles as the Death Eaters burned down buildings and attacked the citizens. Tom blasted another fool that had dared to challenge him and continued to walk forward into the small town of Hogsmeade.

"Remember. No killing until I say so. If you find Harry grab him and bring him to me."

The Death Eaters nodded and split up and began to forcibly remove all the people from their hiding place and rounding them up in one place.

Tom placed his wand up to his throat and cast a Sonorus "Attention Hogwarts," his voice boomed across the grounds, "This is the Dark Lord Voldemort speaking. You have something that you took from me and I want it back. If you don't bring Harry Potter to me in the next hour I will begin to kill these innocent people one by one and burn this town down along with them."

Tom whispered the counter-charm and his voice returned to normal. He surveyed the crowd that was forming and looking at him fearfully. But he ignored them and looked up at the castle in the distance. The one that he had used to call home was now holding his one and only love hostage and he would not hesitate to knock it down if it meant getting Harry back.

But Tom knew that once Harry found out about the attack and his demand, he would come to him. All he had to do was wait and he would have his kitten back in his arms.


The moment the words left McGonagall's mouth Harry knew what to do. Tom had come for him and it was up to Harry to go to him. He looked at Ron and Hermione and they nodded. They were in.

"I will gather the Order," Dumbledore was saying as he turned to the door "Make sure the students stay in their common rooms." McGonagall nodded and rushed back out again the headmaster right behind her. He stopped at the door and looked at Harry seriously. "Do not leave here Harry," he said, "It is for your own safety," and swept out of the room.

The fur on Harry's tail bristled in annoyance; he couldn't order him around, he was going whether the headmaster liked it or not. He went to the door with Ron and Hermione right behind him and looked out. Students and teachers were running around trying to get to their common rooms while the teachers directed them.

"What are you three doing?" a voice came from behind them and they stiffened.

"We were trying to stop Harry from leaving," Hermione lied grabbing onto his shirt and pretending to pull him away from the door.

"Mr. Potter. You heard the headmaster. You are not to leave. Especially in your condition," Madame Pomfrey said.

"Dumbledore can't control me and I feel fine. I need to get to Tom and you can't stop me," He pulled his arm away from Hermione and whipped out his wand and pointed it at the nurse. "Stupefy."

Hermione gasped as Madame Pomfrey crumpled to the floor. "Harry!"

"Sorry guys but I'm not letting anyone get in my way."

Ron nodded and gulped at the meaning behind the words.

All three of them looked up as they heard Voldemort's voice echo around the school and his demand to return what was his. Harry's tail wagged in pleasure at what Tom was willing to go through to get him back.

"Well," Ron said, "I guess we go."

They nodded and left the hospital wing, they stunned the two guards that had stayed there to make sure he stayed where he was, then dodged the students and avoided the teachers as they went; Harry led the way to the secret passageway behind the one-eyed witch statue. They made it there in record time. They went through the passageway and up through the trap door in Honeydukes cellar then weaved their way around the aisles of candy to the door where people were screaming and running away from the men robed in black.

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