Chapter 10

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Severus Snape couldn't believe he was doing this. Even after a month of planning and watching Death Eater movements from afar, and eradicating a perfect plan. He still couldn't believe it. Why the hell am I putting my life in danger to rescue the brat? Severus thought disgustingly looking around the corner of the corridor inside the house of Riddle. Why not let someone else do it? But no. I had to open my stupid mouth.

He waited for 2 minutes then quickly walked down the corridor then hid again. He had been able to get into the Manor without a problem; as long as you had a Dark Mark you were let in. He just hoped the Dark Lord didn't notice his presence through the charms around him. Now the Death Eater on duty would be walking by...Ah. There he is. Severus thought as the big, burly man walked by and out of sight and Severus quickly walked in the opposite direction.

After 15 minutes of stealthfully going down corridors and avoiding Death Eaters, Severus finally got to the staircase going up to the second floor. He paused to think. Where would Potter be? The Dark Lords office or his bedroom? Snape shuttered to think of having to sneak into the Dark Lord's personal chambers. No one was allowed in there. But he would if necessary. Cats would be napping around this time right? Severus thought casting a quick Tempus and it read 12:37. Yes. So he would be sleeping in the bedroom, he concluded. He squared his shoulders and continued up the stairs quietly.

The Dark Lord can't have a cat with him all the time. Right now he knew that Lord Voldemort was very busy preparing for an important meeting with the werewolves next week and was not to be disturbed, now was the perfect time to act.

He quickly walked down the corridor and turned down another. He froze in the middle of the hallway. Someone was coming. He looked around frantically for somewhere to hide as the footsteps came closer. He pulled open a door to his right and slid in, closing the door, but leaving it open a crack. Severus took in his surroundings and saw that he was in an unused bedroom with disinterest, and turned back to the door to listen. The footsteps were light but close and there was...humming? Why would someone be humming? Especially in a place like this, Severus thought and looked around the edge of the door, gripping his wand tight. His eyes widened and he pulled in a sharp intake of breath in surprise.


Harry was lying back on the couch in Tom's office watching him work and reading a book he had pulled from Tom's bookcase. He watched Tom with a smile, his tail wagging in the air as he watched him concentrate.

Tom made a lot of faces when he was working. Confusion, anger, weariness, triumph. They all slid across his face like it would anyone else, which was why it amazed him that the Dark Lord could be so expressive.

Harry sat up slightly as he saw Tom frown and start flipping through various stacks of papers. "What's wrong?"

"I think I forgot something up in our bedroom."

Harry wagged his tail in delight. Ever since their first night together Tom had started referring his bedroom as 'their' bedroom. A couple reference. It pleased him to no end. "What was it?" he asked.

"It's a pile of papers with names and plans on it that is on my desk. I don't know how I missed it. It's a big pile." Tom muttered.

"I'll get it!" Harry announced, jumping at the chance to be useful.

Tom looked up and smiled, "Would you?"

"Yup! I'll be right back."


"On your desk, right?" he asked, heading out the door.

"Yes. You can't miss it."

"Okay," he said and took off down the hall, wagging his tail as he went. He yawned widely; It's almost nap time. I better hurry. Harry thought and quickened his pace slightly as he looked around at his new home and reflected over the last two months.

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