Chapter 6

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The next few days were hard on Harry. Every time Tom went to a Death Eater meeting or a Death Eater would come into Tom's office he would think that he had found out the truth and was going to kill him, only to find out that wasn't the case.

He was dreading the day when Tom would look at him with disgust and hatred in his eyes. Because somewhere along the way, from the moment he had fallen into the bathtub until now, Harry had fallen in love with Tom.

He didn't know how it happened, he just did. Harry saw another part of the Dark Lord that no one ever saw; the friendly, caring part of him. Tom spoke to him like he was a friend and not just a cat. He would play with him sometimes and take care of him. Tell him how his day was and complain about his incompetent Death Eaters. Or would express himself with such joy at a new spell he found or ancient books that he uncovered. And seeing all of that left Harry awestruck that he could be so normal and human. It was that part that Harry had fallen utterly in love with.

He had begun to realize it when the possibility of being torn away from Tom, to be killed, looked upon like something beneath him; it terrified him. Harry wanted to stay as close as possible to Tom as he could. Preferably if he was human, but if he stayed a cat forever, he didn't care as long as he was with Tom.

But now, it was only a matter of time.


Harry was in Tom's office playing with his ball of yarn when that dreaded day came. Tom was doing some work and occasionally laugh at him when he fell over his yarn ball when Lucius Malfoy came in out of breath.

Tom narrowed his eyes, his smile immediately leaving his face. "Lucius! What gives you the right to barge into my office?" Tom whipped out his wand, "Crucio!"

Lucius dropped to his knees and clutched his teeth together in pain, but didn't utter a sound. Tom released the spell and Lucius bowed his head. "I'm sorry my lord. I-"

Tom waved his hand for silence. "Whatever you have to say better be important."

"It is! My son, Draco gave me some news about the Potter boy," Lucius said and shot a look in Harry's direction.

Harry froze. He suddenly couldn't breathe, couldn't move. No. No. Not yet. I need more time! Tom, I'm sorry. Please don't hate me.

"Oh?" Tom asked sitting forward and lacing his fingers together.

"Yes. It seems that he was the last one that saw Potter before he went missing."

Harry ran under the bookcase to hide even though he knew nothing would stand in the way of Tom's wrath. He's going to hate me forever. Even more, than he already does. I'm sorry Tom. Harry thought as he waited for the truth to come out. If cats could cry, that's what he would be doing right now.

"It seems that Potter had detention with Severus one night. But he wasn't there when Draco came in. Only Potter."

Harry couldn't stop shivering as he saw the last few weeks that he spent with Tom slipping away from him. He put his paws over his ears, not wanting to hear the rest.

"Potter's potion exploded and he was turned into a cat, a black cat to be specific. Then he just disappeared."

"Just like that?" Tom asked, his mind racing a mile a minute.

"Yes my Lord," Lucius said eagerly. "Draco said that he had been standing right in front of him and Potter just...vanished."

Tom nodded in thought. Then it clicked. No. Tom thought in disbelief. But it all fit. Potter gets turned into a cat and disappears...then black cat comes out of nowhere that has Potter's green eyes... No, it can't be. My Harry can't be Potter!

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