Chapter 7

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Tom's eyes widened at the sight that lay before him. What was once his little black kitten was now a fully grown, very male, teenage boy. He felt his mouth go dry as he gazed at the tanned skin and toned muscles that were revealed to him. He had to force his eyes back up to Harry's face before it got to low. So he just watched the green eyes open and look around.

As the transformation ended, Harry instantly knew the difference. For one, he was higher up than before and he could move his toes and fingers. He also didn't have any fur on his face. Yup, I'm human. He thought and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he noticed was that Tom was staring at him with amusement and something else that Harry couldn't identify. The second thing was that he could feel a draft on his skin. He looked down and realized with horror that he was naked. Harry squeaked and put his hands down to cover himself. He felt his face heat up. Oh God! I just had to be naked!

Harry lifted his head slightly to look up at Tom. His eyes widened in fear as he saw Tom's wand pointing at him and squeezed his eyes shut and tried to shrink into himself. All thoughts about being naked flew out of his mind. I knew it. I knew that he would kill me as soon as I was human. But instead of the customary green light, something warm and heavy settled over his shoulders. Harry slowly opened his eyes and looked down at himself in confusion. A green blanket was draped over his shoulders, hiding his naked skin from view.

Tom turned his head back to face Harry (he had turned his head away when Harry had tried to cover himself, his eyes hand been immediately drawn downward) and frowned at his reaction and stepped forward. Harry stiffened as he heard footsteps coming toward him and pulled the blanket tighter around him in a weak defense of protection, but Tom only lifted up his chin. "What's wrong Harry?" he whispered.

"Why aren't you killing me?" Harry asked hoarsely.

Tom sighed and looked away, uncomfortable. He hated feeling weak, but that is how Harry made him feel. "I don't know if I can, kitten."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I can't explain it. I just..." Tom looked at him, "can't. Besides, do you really want to die?"


"Okay then."

"But I'm human now," Harry said in confusion, "I thought it would be easier."

"Well. That's not entirely true," Tom said with a smirk, his red eyes dancing with amusement.


Tom reached up and slid his fingers through Harry's silky black locks and traced the outline of a soft fuzzy cat ear. Harry's hands shot up to his head and touched them in shock. "I-I have cat ears!!" He exclaimed in horror.

Tom chuckled, "It seems so."

Harry turned around and lifted the blanket and looked behind him, "I have a tail too! What the hell happened to me?"

"Well," Tom stated sitting down on the bed next to him, "I'm guessing that you were a cat for too long and the potion mixed with your DNA. Leaving you with a few...extra appendages."

"You mean I'm stuck like this!"

"Yes," Tom said bluntly.

Harry pulled his ears down like he was trying to pull them out, then covered his eyes with his hands, "Why me?" he moaned.

"You messed up the potion," Tom stated.

"I did not! Malfoy did!"

"Malfoy? You mean Draco."

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