Chapter 15

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"What?!" Tom asked hoarsely.

"You know," Harry said nervously, "Pregnant. With child, knocked up, a bun in the oven, expecting, up the duff..." he trailed off as Tom just stared at him in bewilderment. "Tom?" he asked, but he didn't respond. "T-"

"How?" Tom managed to blurt out.

"Well," Harry said hesitantly, "When we were in bed and we-"

"No!" Tom shook his head wildly, "I know how, but I mean how?"

"Oh," Harry said lowering his ears, "Madame Pomfrey said it was one of the things that changed in me from my transformation."

Tom sat back in his chair and dropped his fork down on this plate with a clatter. He slid his hand through his hair and looked off to the wall. "Pregnant," he whispered to himself.

Harry watched Tom, desperately waiting for any indication that he was happy, but saw nothing. What if he doesn't want it? He thought frantically, tears gathering in his eyes. What if he gets mad, what if, what if, what if! "T-Tom?" he asked desperately wrapping his arms around his stomach.

Tom snapped his head back to Harry and saw the tears in his eyes. He stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over and coming around the table to kneel in front of Harry. "What? What is it?" Tom asked.

"You haven't said anything," Harry whimpered.

Tom's eyes widened and he pulled Harry into his arms, "I'm sorry Harry. I...I...Merlin! I don't know what to say. A baby?"

Harry nodded and buried his head into Tom's shoulder, "Our baby."

"Ours," Tom whispered, tightening his grip around him.

"Are you happy?" Harry asked flicking his tail nervously.

"Happy?" Tom asked looking into Harry's face, "I-I don't know. I'm not mad if that's what you're asking." Harry lowered his eyes ashamed. "Oh, Harry. Is that what you're worried about?" Tom asked pulling him back into his arms and stroked his ears. "I'm not mad. I'm...Well, I don't know what I am. I never thought I would be..."

"A father?" Harry filled in with a smirk, catching on to why he was so quiet.

"Yeah," Tom said breathlessly. They were both silent holding onto each other.

"What do we do?" Harry asked after a while.

"I have no idea," Tom said with a smile, "Out of all the knowledge I know. Pregnancies are not one of them."

"We'll have to learn then," Harry said happily.

"Yes we will," Tom smiled and placed his hand over Harry's stomach, "I guess that's what you meant by 'the three of us.'"

"I said that?" Harry asked flicking an ear to the side, "When?"

"When we were making love," Tom said softly running his fingers over the fabric of Harry's shirt.


"How far along are you?" Tom asked in awe as he slid his fingers underneath Harry's shirt to touch the place where his child was growing.

"Um. Almost 2 months," Harry said thoughtfully.

"2 months!" Tom exclaimed, "That's..." he paused and counted in this head, "That's from when the first time we..." Harry nodded in affirmative. "So that means you've been pregnant all this time."

"Yeah. That's why I was throwing up."

"I thought it was-"

"A stomachache? Me too. But not for 4 days! Madame Pomfrey checked me and found out. That's another reason they wouldn't let me go. They thought you would do something to our kitten."

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