Chapter 9

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                April 30, same day. I just cloth myself, feed myself and the goal of the need to survive. Kyle texted me the other day. He told me he’ll be back soon but when? My attention went back when someone called me.

“Cassey!” our professor called me. He looks old and grumpy and does unfunny jokes.

“yes, fat… I mean sir?” damn, I almost called him fat belly again. Why does his belly have to show more?

“have you been listening to me?!”

“I think so..” I shrugged and everyone laughed.

“silence!” oops, he seemed kinda insulted.

“what were you asking sir?” I’m totally out of my control sometimes.

“what is life?” he said in a calm but challenging way.

I shrugged again, damn, why do the world have to be hard on me. I wasn’t listening the whole time. “Life is something that is in a man that when taken off, he will die.” Every one of my classmates laughed like I’m the lamest person to exist in the world. I saw my professor’s face turning red and his face became angrier. Whoopsie, I just made the dragon mad.

“You young lady!” he pointed at me. “you, get out of my class!” I first hesitated but then went out and spend my time in the library reading books and stories. How boring it is to spend the whole time in the library. Too quiet. Too little people visit, mostly the smart and the geek ones.


                Kyle kissed me and I felt eternity. He hugged me and made me feel serenity. The kiss we shared is slow but every second of it is full of the undying love. He kissed me down to my neck, between my face and shoulder. It tickled me but I was too busy feeling the love kisses rather than the tickles. He hugged me and whispered I love you’s. Everything was perfect, so surreal, and so wonderful and I never wanted it to end.

                He let go of the kiss and look at me.

“we can’t be together.” He said.

“why?” I ask but I can’t get mad.

“we just can’t. I’m sorry.”

                He kissed me again, this time, it was rough but I still can sense the love. I tried to lengthen my breath but he just shoves my arms away from him and let go of the kiss. My eyes attempted to release tears but I look at him trying to let him see how I love him so much. He started to cry, I never seen a man cry before, I wiped it with my hands and I tried to hug him, he stepped back and walk away. I was screaming his name so loud but he never looked back. I ran as fast as I can to catch him but it seems that my feet are not even moving.


“Kyle!!! Please… please”

“please!!! Don’t leave  me, Kyle!!!” I shouted as loud as I can.

“Kyle!!! I love you!!! Please, don’t run!! Kyle!!”



                I woke up feeling someone beside me. I look up and see Kyle’s worried face. I look at the wall clock and it was still 2.30 in the morning. My eyes were wet and I cuddled near him, fitting myself in his chest. He keeps on hushing me and rubbing gently his hands to my arms and put kisses on my face. I don’t know if this was a dream or was it just my imagination but if it is, then I wish it would never end.

“I love you” I whispered. And fell asleep fast again.

                I woke up, feeling someone hugging me tight. I felt worried and wanted to scream at first but I became calm when I see Kyle’s peaceful face sleeping next to me. I smiled. It’s so good to be in your arms back. If you only knew how painful it was when you were gone. Just then, I remembered what seemed to be real last night. I was dreaming I’m sure. Kyle would never leave, he would never leave me.

                I gently opened his arms for me to get up. Slowly, trying not to wake him up. I went fast to the kitchen and prepared food for him. I prepared salad and a hot chocolate and some other sandwich and cookies. I missed him so much. I walk back up and he was still peacefully asleep so I just put the tray on the table near the terrace in my room and walk back and sit beside him on the bed. My bed was a queen sized bed so both of us would really fit. Kyle why do you have to be so damn handsome and hot and adorable?

                I look at his face, those peaceful eyes, and those kissable red lips, I missed them and all of you so much. I didn’t get contented from just looking so I touched his hair, brushing it with my fingers. Kyle, why did you become thinner than before? I asked myself looking at him who looks thin than before. Maybe he is stressing his self so much and it cost him to lose weight. I slowly leaned to him, lips of ours just inches away from each other.

                Then I found myself kissing him. All of my anger is flushed down in the toilet and it seems that I forget that I should act angry for leaving me without permission but I just can’t stay mad at him when he acting like this. The kiss went long and I realized he was kissing me back. I smiled in our in between kisses. How cool, he pretended to be asleep. I acted like I didn’t know he was still asleep and I kissed him more deeply. Let’s see who surrenders first, a mischievous thought said. I kissed him like I was ready for more, just in time when I hear him groan in pleasure. I slowed down the kiss and let it go. I faced him, only to see he was blushing. Cool, Kyle blushes too.

“Good morning sleepy head.” I completely sat back.

He smiled. “good morning beautiful.”

I smiled back and attempted to kiss him again, and just when our lips were so near, I spoke. “ breakfast is ready.” I jumped out of bed to get the foods.

“you beautiful lady, is just a teaser. I thought I was finally gonna have you.”

“hmm, you’ll have me soon but not now.” I teased him again.

“stop doing that, we are so near to bed.”

I blushed and remembered what I was wearing.

“I like your nightie.” He winked at me,

“stop it. You sound like a perv.” I teased him.

“I don’t care. I hugged you last night with that on.” Okay now, he sees some loopholes and is teasing me back now and all I can do is blush.

“how did you get in?” trying to remember how he was able to enter.

“spare keys. You gave these to me, remember?” he showed me.

“are you gonna stay here now?” I pouted my lips.

“yep.” He said smiling at me. I was so happy my Kyle is staying with me now. I go closer to him and this time I didn’t tease him anymore, I kissed him for real.

“I love you” he whispered.

“I love you more.”

“I love you most.” He said. I’m happy my Kyle is back. Now I don’t have to feel alone again.

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