Chapter 26

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School rolled around quickly and Mari was waiting outside the back of the school. It wasn't a pretty area but she knew nobody went there so it was the perfect place to meet Adrien. 

"Hey babe," he called to her as he made his way up to her.

A blush rose to Marinette's face as her handsome boyfriend came over to him. He kissed her hand, just like Chat Noir would do, and she couldn't help but blush even harder. 

"Hey kitty," Marinette responded with a small wink. 

The two sat down against the wall and Mari laid her head on Adrien's shoulder. 

"I missed you bugaboo," Adrien whispered. 

This moment was a moment Marinette never wanted to end. She wished to be with Adrien, like this, everyday, every minute, every second. She wanted time to freeze so she could stay there forever but the ringing bell broke the moment and they walked to class.

Adrien and Marinette met up with Alya and Nino while they were walking to class. The seating plan seemed to have changed when they walked in. Where Marinette would normally sit, a new brunette girl sat. 

"Hey, you're sat in my seat," Mari said to the new girl in her seat.

"Nope. I'm in my seat I got moved here because I have an eye condition and need to be near the front. You're seat is behind us. I'm Lila, nice to meet you," the new girl said.

Marinette was enraged by this girl. She obviously didn't have an eye condition or anything. She knew there was no way she was going to be becoming friends with this girl.

"Liar," Marinette muttered under her breath as she walked to her new seat. Adrien gave a sad smile and sat down in his seat in front of her. As soon as class started Lila turned to face Adrien and was obviously flirting.

"Wow. Move schools and immediately meet a really handsome boy. I'm Lila, by the way," Lila sat while placing her hand on Adrien's arm. 

"Well, nice to meet you Lila," Adrien responded, smiling.

"So, since I'm new here I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the school, pretty boy," Lila said, winking.

Marinette was angry and jealous. If their relationship was public she would've gone straight over and kissed him, right there and then. She would've showed Lila that Adrien was hers.

"Yeh, of course I'll show you around Lila!" Adrien said excitedly. 

"He must have not noticed the flirting," she thought.

The classes passed quickly but Marinette got nothing written down as all she could focus on was the major flirting Lila was throwing at Adrien. When the bell for lunch rang Adrien got up with Lila and they went around the school together. Marinette was at level 10 jealousy. 

"Girl, are you okay?" Alya said as she joined her at a table in the canteen.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just, why did Adrien go off with the new girl? She's such a flirt and such a liar!" Marinette said but quickly shutting herself up when she realised herself getting to almost shouting.

"Woah girl, are you jealous?" Alya said smirking.

Marinette started panicking. "No, no, I'm not jealous, it's not like I'm Ladybug or anything," Marinette awkwardly laughed.

Alya just looked at her strangely and she turned to her food and starting eating. Nino joined them at the table, kissing Alya's cheek as he sat down. Not too long later Adrien and Lila joined the table. Marinette scowled at Lila and Adrien noticed her angry expression. 

"Okay guys, this is Lila. I told her she could sit with us," Adrien said to Alya and Nino with a be-nice-to-her expression, "And Marinette, can I talk to you for a second?"

Marinette got up and followed him out of the canteen unwillingly.

"Marinette, why do you seem so angry at me?" Adrien asked obliviously.

"That Lila girl, she is obviously flirting with you! She wants to date you Adrien and you're going along with it!" Mari yelled a little too loud, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout."

"Mari, I can't just go over and kiss you, I can't tell Lila I'm seeing you and when I told her I was with Ladybug she kept flirting because Ladybug isn't around. I can't just ignore her flirting so I just go along with it, to keep us a secret!" Adrien whisper-yelled back, "And you knew I was with Kagami when you first starting flirting with me so you can't get angry at Lila."

What Adrien just said pissed Marinette off and Adrien didn't notice the problem until he finally listened to himself and realised what he had just said.

"I didn't mean-" Adrien started but he got interrupted by Marinette.

"You cannot compare me to her Adrien! I love you and I loved you and that's why I flirted and you could've ignored me if you didn't like me. You don't have to flirt back especially when you know I'm right behind you!" Marinette whisper-shouted, almost crying.

"So what I flirt back! It's not like I can be with you during school anyway so I may as well be with someone else! I want to be with someone I can truly be with!" Adrien shouted, luckily there was no one around to hear them.

Silence started between them as tears rushed from Marinette's eyes, "Maybe you should be with her. You don't have to lie with her. I'm sure you'll be happier with her."

"Marinette. No don't go," Adrien called to her, tears beginning to fill his eyes too, "I didn't mean it-"

"I don't care if you mean it or not Adrien, you still said it," Mari said while tears poured from her eyes, "Goodbye Adrien."

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