14 - Hiding

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"Who is he?" Jimin questioned.

"One of my close friend", responded Hoseok "Jimin, this is Ten and Ten this is Jimin"

Jimin smiled as he continued, "Nice meeting you Ten."

"Can I speak with Hoseok for a moment, please?" Ten asked, and Jimin nodded.

Hoseok and Ten went outside. Ten pleaded, "Why are you so stressed?"

"You know why, and should I remind you that no one knows what I do for a living!!"

"Oh yes, that's true, I completely forgot about that, I'm very sorry. I came here because someone wanted to see you, Hoseok."

Hoseok looks at Ten "Who ?!?"

"For the time being, I can't tell you."

Hoseok thought Ten has suspicious look. Hoseok asked, "When should I see the person?"

"At ten o'clock tomorrow"

"Is it okay if I bring someone with me?"

"No, you can't because they'll talk about your job,"

"No problem, see you tomorrow,"

Ten walked away. What they didn't realize was that Jimin was listening to everything. He was curious about the job they were discussing and decided to start some research.

When Hoseok returned from outside, he noticed Jimin pretending to eat something. "I'm really sorry," Hoseok said

"Don't worry, I suppose I'll be back home soon."

"OK, but know that you are welcome to remain as long as you wish"

Jimin was considering what kind of profession he may be doing and decided to ask him some questions. "To be honest, I overheard the two of you, so what job were you talking?"

"Can you tell me why you're asking?"

"I mean, I'd like to learn more about you."

"Wait a minute, I have to go to the bathroom, please excuse me."

Hoseok is out of his seat in a flash and leaving the living room holding his phone with one hand. Jimin gets the impression that he just got caught doing something illegal or immoral by not answering any of his questions.
Jimin was aware that this was going to happen, but he chose not to respond. Someone suddenly rings the bell once again. Jimin asked, "Who is at the door ?"

Hoseok returned right away, and when he looked out the window, he saw "Taehyung."

"Oh my, what should I do?" Jimin asked quietly.

"Please go to my room."

"All right, all right"

Hoseok finally opened the door for him, and the atmosphere was strange and uncomfortable. "Hi, can I come in?" Taehyung said. Hoseok hesitates, not sure if he should let him in or not, but he just wanted to give him the opportunity to say what he needed to say. So he gave him a nod and let him in. They entered the living room and took a seat. Jimin walked closer to them so that he could both hear and see them.

"Please accept my heartfelt apologies for everything."

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just that everything is too overwhelming for me, you're a prince, and I'm just a regular guy, so I'm sure you understand."

"First and foremost, you are not an ordinary man, you are the one I fell in love with", Hoseok was taken aback, as was Jimin, who had been listening intently.

"What are you saying Taehyung, I don't understand, it's not possible to like me like that, I mean you li...you like me?"

"Yes, I do, and I can't stop thinking about you, Hoseok, and I can't just let you go away like that."

"Taehyung, I..I...I don't..."

Tahyung comes in and interrupts him. "I don't want to hear from you because I already know what you're thinking. I know you like me, but you're simply thinking too much."

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"I'll give you some time to think, but I have one request from you," Taehyung said as he approached Hoseok, cupping his cheek. He didn't want to be rejected by this man again and wanted a second chance with him, even if it was only for a short while, so he promised himself he would do everything possible to get him back, no matter how long it took.

Jimin yelled, "TAEHYUNG!"

What will happen next ??

To be continued...

Author :

Thank u for reading my book. Hope you are enjoying it and don't mind commenting it really means a lot to know what y'all think about this. Thank u also for those who sharing your thoughts and views in the comments section. (It's really funny lmao)
Love y'all 🤍

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