17- Identity

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Hoseok POV

I was on my way to the building now. As I walked in, I welcomed everyone as usual. Suddenly, one of my friends informs me that the chief has reached out to me. When I arrived in the chief's office, I began to feel scared. I'm not sure what he's going to talk about.

I finally get to meet the Chief, who greets me with a big smile and says, "Good morning Hoseok." He then asks questions about my family and how things are doing. He also expresses his admiration for my work and the job I am doing. "I've called you for a serious matter; I'd like you to handle the royal family case. We discovered a lot about them, and I'd like you to look into it. Hoseok, kindly do whatever you can."

"Could you perhaps tell me more about the case ?"

"Well, we discovered that the King is involved in drug trafficking, but we aren't positive about that and many other things, which is why I'd like you to look into it further. Ten will be here to assist you."

"Well, sir, I'll do my best."

"That's my man and here is the file check it."

"Thank you, sir,"

I walked out of the office. Because we're talking about the Royal family, I'm both happy and stressed. So, I'll examine this file before speaking with Ten.

Later that day, I returned home and looked through the file, discovering that they have two kids named Taehyung and San, as well as a servant named Wooyoung who is a key figure in the palace. Their boys are all incredibly attractive, but Taehyung gives me goosebumps. In any case, I need to get closer to him.


I got up this morning, did my usual routine, and called Ten to discuss the plan. "Hey Ten," I said.

"Hello, so tell me about your plan."

"So, I read through the file and discovered that they have two boys named Taehyung and San, so I should move closer to Taehyung," Hoseok explained.

"All right, but why Taehyung and not San?" Ten wondered.

"Because he's the eldest" (Hoseok excuse lmao)

"All right, so what are you going to do ?"

"To be honest, I don't know, but I've discovered that he likes to go out a lot, so if I'm near the palace, I'll definitely see him."

"Or else, you may try to come up with something. Oh, why don't you act as if you're being beaten up near the palace?"

"oh, I think that's great, let's gather some me and do it tomorrow."

"All right, on it !"

The day of their meeting

I get out of bed. Today was the day I eventually meet this guy.
I proceeded on my daily routine and then ate breakfast. I sent Ten a message asking if everything was ready, and he replied positively. I went up to get dressed after washing the dishes. Then I went downstairs, grabbed the home key, and left. I request that Ten should drop me off near the palace. When we arrived, we could see the guys who were going to beat me up. We were all expecting him to appear. We have been waiting for him for 2,3,4 hours when he eventually arrived. The boys began to act. They acted as if they were beating me, as it had been arranged. It's at this moment that Taehyung arrived to assist me.

End of the flashback


"Hoseok is a...,"

"Hands up, King you are under arrest for drug and children trafficking"

Hoseok was taken aback since he had no idea the King was also involved in child trafficking.

"So you were a cop ?", the King said furiously.

Hoseok confidently stated, "Yes, I am."

Taehyung was furious after hearing everything. He was well aware that Hoseok was hiding something, but he had never thought something that.
They grabbed the King, and Hoseok went to Ten and began yelling at him.

"You were about to tell him my job?"

"No, I had everything ready. I called the cops before being caught by one of the guards, so they were already on their way."

He smiled as he said, "Well, we did great."

After exchanging high fives, they decided to go home and rest after everything that had happened.

This was a long day for Hoseok. He was about to get into the car but Taehyung interrupted him by calling him.

"Hoseok," Taehyung murmured as he approached him.

"Tae, I'm so sorry, this is a long story, but what I did was my duty, I...," he said before being kissed by Taehyung.
"Don't be sorry," he chuckled, "I'm just glad that you're okay and I want to thank you for saving me and my family"

"Taehyung, I did what I was supposed to do, so don't praise me."

"I admire you", Taehyung said and they hugged for a long time until Hoseok went to rest.

To be continued...
1 chapter left
What a roller coaster lmao
Thanks for reading till the end
Stay safe I love you all so much 💜

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