Todokiri Pt 2

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Kirishima hisses as he opens his eyes from the sunlight pouring into his kitchen. He groans as he covers his eyes, not remembering much from last night, and certainly not the phone call he made to Todoroki. The sad red head sighed and stood up slowly, picking up the empty beer bottles around him.

"God damn, how much did I drink...?" Kirishima sighs and dumped the bottles in the trash before rubbing his forehead, hoping it would magically get rid of his headache.

It didn't

And the pain killers didn't help the pro hero either as he got ready in his hero costume to go out on patrol, hopefully he won't have to fight anyone today. He was too hungover and too sad to put up with their bullshit. Kirishima stared at himself in the mirror of his bathroom.

If Todoroki is happy, then why shouldn't he?


"Shit! Deku watch out!" I yelled as one of the villains tried to hit the symbol of peace. Midoriya fiercely swung the villains comrade into him, smashing them into a building. I sighed and the police helped in arresting the group of villains. Midoriya sighed and looked over the red head. He saw that he had a few scratches and some burns that looked like they needed to be taken care of. They were almost finished with patrolling for the day when they were attacked by a group of villains convinced that they could take down the number one hero.

Now they were handcuffed by the police with multiple wounds that would need medical attention.

"Hey good job Kiri!" Midoriya smiled and patted his friend on the back. Kirishima nodded and winced, all day his headache was aggravating and he just wanted to go home and be sad with no witnesses.

"Heh, thanks Midobro, I'm gonna go home and rest up." The green haired hero nodded.

"Make sure you get healed up first! Your burns seem kind of bad." Kirishima nodded and started walking home. Was he going to go to the doctors? No, he wasn't. He didn't give a damn anymore and he just wanted to go home and be miserable.


The red head opened his front door with his head hung low and walked in, closing the door behind him and leaning against it and put his arm across his face and sighed, sliding down the door. He's felt heavy and tired all day but he refused to let it get ahead of his hero work.

"Hello Eijiro."

Fuck. He knew that voice. He loved that voice.

He quickly stood up and put on a fake little grin.

"Heyy Shouto, what's up?"

Todoroki just hit play on his phone and set it down on the table.

H-hey Sh- *Hic* Shouto, Hopeyour h-having a great t-time" Kirishima let out a sob and his drunken self just giggled. "I just w-wantedtolet y-ou know that I think yyou are *hic* hot as fuckand I love you."

"LIke a lot, b-but itdoesn'tmatter now! Cuz your murried- Marred? MARRIED!" The red head laughs at himself.

"ButYEAH, s-sober me isgonna flip the fuck out afterrthis one Hah, Luv you ShoutoTodoroki!" Drunken Kiri ended the call.

Kirishima's eyes widened. When did he make that call? The red head's heart sped up considerably and he contemplated running. Though that thought ended as quickly as it came when Todoroki walked closer towards Kirishima, his hand resting on the door nob as he stared down at Kirishima with an unreadable expression.

Kirishima bit his bottom lip and looked away from the taller male.

"I-I'm sorry, I was uh pretty drunk, I don't remember c-calling you. Uhm why aren't you on your h-honey moon?" Kirishima questioned, eager to get his mind off that stupid call that he had apparently made to Todoroki.

"Because when I came back to our hotel room Momo was making out with the hotel receptionist." Todoroki rolled his eyes and Kiri's widened.

That Bitch. Kirishima thought with distaste. She was the one who managed to capture Todoroki's interest and she throws it away right after they were goddamn married?!

The red head huffed.

"I'm sorry, that's really unmanly of Momo." Kirishima mumbled. Todoroki huffed and grabbed the smaller hero by the chin and made him look up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Todoroki asked and that all it he had to say for Kirishima to break down. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Y-you just l-looked so, so h-happy with her a-and I didn't wa-want to ruin i-it!" Kirishima sobbed and Todoroki's hand slid so he was holding the side of his face, wiping his tears away with his thumb.

"A-and I-I thought t-that if your w-were happy t-then I was to." Kirishima mumbled, tears still sliding down his face.

"But you weren't Eiji." Todoroki sighed and brought the red head into a comforting and loving hug. Kirishima quickly hugged him back, putting his face in the crook of Todoroki's neck.

Kirishima sniffled as Todoroki rubbed his back.

"I love you too, just by the way." It was true, Todoroki did indeed love Kirishima but he always thought the the red head could never love him.

Kirishima grinned and lightly swatted his shoulder and the scarred male chuckled.

"Now let's get your burns cleaned up and patched so I don't accidently hurt you when we cuddle in the near future." Todoroki stated, setting Kirishima on the counter as he laughed. The taller male smiled and kissed Kiri on the lips before he went to get the first aid kit that he knew was in the bathroom.

We love happy endings 👏
Thank you for reading, next is a Todobaku cuz apparently I made a book but not a one shot???
So yeah and if you guys haven't you should check out my books 'Jayus' and "To Kill or Not To Kill'

Jayus is a Shinkami
And the other is a kiribaku :)

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