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The past week has been extraordinarily hard for him, his mother died when she took an early flight back home to see her son since he was very sick. The funeral was last Saturday and he couldn't even say goodbye cause he felt so guilty that he didn't deserve to say goodbye, that the accident was his fault.

His friends were worried for their friend aswell, always making an effort to hang around him and ask him if he was okay.

But of course the A+ student never told them how wrecked he was and tried to act like himself. Even if his eyes were always red and puffy and his voice sounded hoarse from crying.

But he always said he was fine, so that was the truth.


"Iida, is there somewhere else you would like to be?" The blue haired male quickly straightened up and shook his head at the substitute teacher.

"No, Ma'am." The woman sneered at the grief filled boy.

"Your mother must be so incredibly disappointed to be your mom."



The whole class was quiet and Iida could feel his heart trying to claw its way out of his chest. Breathing suddenly became harder for him and he stood up, bowing to his teacher.

"I-if you excuse I'm going to go use the r-restroom."

That's when the classroom went into chaos, Ochaco, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Momo trying to get Iida to come back so they could comfort him and the rest of the class shouting at the teacher, absolutely furious with the stupid woman.

"HIS MOM JUST DIED YOU BITCH!" Ochaco screamed as the substitute tried to calm down the class.


Iida gasped as he undid his tie, feeling like he could breathe again, even if it was only just a little. He looked around with his tear filled eyes as he tried to see where he stormed off to. He wiped his wet cheeks, it not helping at all since the tears kept coming and his breathing was abnormally fast. He slid down a wall and took his glasses off, tossing them carelessly to the side.

The boy kept trying to calm down, he didn't want to freak out at school. He didn't like being this vulnerable, he hated it in fact.

He suddenly felt a hand clasp his shoulder.

"Hey, take a deep breathe, count to 4, breathe out and repeat, can you do that?" Iida nodded and followed the strangers words, doing as he was told and did it until he was calm, the stranger wiping his tears away with the rough pad of their thumb.

Once Iida has calm down he can see the person who helped him clearly. The male had wild purple hair with matching violet eyes that the blue haired male thought were beautiful. He also had dark piercings on his lip that contrasted to his pale skin.

"Are you alright?" Iida nodded.

"Y-yes, thank you for calming me down."

The mystery male sat down against the wall beside him, putting a cigarette in his mouth and pulling out a lighter, expertly light his cancer stick.

Iida stared at him for a moment.

"Smoking is bad for you." Iida said, too exhausted to say anything else.

"Yeah, so is bottling up your feelings." The violet eyed male bit back with a small smirk.

"H-how did you know about that?"

He shrugged. "You just seem like the kind of person who would do that."

He sighed and hit his head against the schools wall, realizing he was at the back of the school.

"Y-yeah well my mom died last week and it's been really hard."

"Mm, is that why you had a panic attack?"

"No, I spaced out in class and the s-substitute said that m-my mom would have been disappointed in me."

"Well she's a fuckin' bitch." Iida snorted and nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose she is."

It was quiet between the two.

"Y'know you're mom would definitely be proud of you, even if I don't know you very much." The smoker said as he blew out smoke.

"Well my names Tenya Iida, what's yours."

"Hitoshi Shinsou, It's nice to meet you Tenya Iida."

Iida smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too."

Ah, sorry for not being active on my oneshots for my hero??

I've been kinda not wanting to work on my Mha fics cuz like,


Lol, but I'll start on requests and stuff.

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