Episode Five: The Two Queens (Part 3)

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Cersei POV

The defenders of Winterfell arrived at the Dragonpit some time after my party had entered. The Targaryen had a good amount of soldiers, but the Lannister forces within the Dragonpit still outnumbered them. She didn't bring as many of her advisors as she did last time; nor did the 'Warden of the North'. Most found their way to their seats, whereas Tyrion stood in the middle of us.

Cersei- Smaller party than last time, no?

Daenerys- It appears both of our parties have shrunken since last time...

The Targaryen and I shared eye contact. I knew immediately who she was referring.

Cersei- Thank you for meeting me at this time...I know you must have suffered quite a great deal fighting your...dead men.

Daenerys- Perhaps you didn't get the message as we missed your forces at the battlefield. I suppose some take their oaths more seriously than others.

Cersei- It's not my fault you were naive enough to believe me. You could have taken the capital the day you landed in Westeros. Why didn't you?

Daenerys didn't react much, but I could tell behind her bold facade she was enraged. After all, I was right...

Tyrion- Now's not the time to bicker back and forth. We have bigger priorities.

Ned's bastard rose from his seat and stepped forward.

Jon- The Army of the Dead, the same force you pledged to fight against, will eventually find their way south. Thousands, if not, millions will die if we continue to do nothing to prepare.

Euron- And where are they now?

Jon- A large wall of dragonglass splits The North in two. The Night King and his army remain north of it but the magic that holds the wall won't last forever. And when that happens...it'll be up to us to prepare for the next battle.

Euron- Why didn't you just stay in Dragonstone? I thought the dead couldn't swim.

Jon- They can't.

Euron- Then why are you wasting your time here? They'll come for us first. If you simply waited at your island...

Euron and I looked at each other briefly, before he looked back at the defenders. I kept my eyes on the Greyjoy; at his arrogant smile; his hopeful expression.

Euron- You wouldn't have to worry about us any longer.

Tyrion- If we let the dead make their way to the capital, the Night King would kill thousands of innocent lives, most of which can't defend themselves.

Euron- The city has too many people, don't you think? You'd have fewer to worry about.

I smiled at the thought. To think he would actually act formal at this occasion.

Euron- Fewer enemies to deal with.

Jon- The dead men, women, and children would only be added onto the Night King's army.

Jon stepped a couple more steps forward.

Jon- I know you don't care, but this is serious. Mankind as we know it is on the verge of extinction and all you care about is keeping the throne.

The northerner and I looked at each other for a moment; no one spoke; no one reacted in any way.

Cersei- Tell me lord snow...when the war with the dead is dealt with, and all of Westeros is finished thanking the heroes that brought the 'dawn'...do you really think there will finally be peace?

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