The Sorting Hat's Song

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Everybody could hear McGonagall talking just outside of the Great Hall. "On the far right hand side of the Hall is the Gryffindor table; next along are the Ravenclaws, then the Hufflepuffs, and in the far left, the Slytherins."

Then she entered, excited and nervous faced behind her.

The Sorting Hat was placed on its stool; before it began Sorting, it did its song, as always.

"Gryffindor, brave and courageous in the face of fear;

"Slytherin; oh, with him, his cunning plans were always near.

"Ravenclaw, bright but eccentric, always knew this or that;

"Hufflepuff, kind and hard-working, she one day struck up a chat.

"She said to the others, 'Why not teach, and spread out far our knowledge?'

"And thus they tried to make some form of school, academy or college.

"Here, right now, I stand before today's successful Hogwarts;

"They made me to Sort you, and really, you're all easy Sorts."

A round of applause was passed around the Great Hall as Hogwart's history was relived; the first years looked extremely impressed and were clearly looking forward to hear the Sorting Hat's song again at the next Sorting Ceremony.

Dumbledore got out of his seat and went up the front. "Now, remember, whilst we are all aware of the thrill of adrenalin some people may get whilst troublemaking, it is not tolerated at Hogwarts." His eyes seemed to pause on the Gryffindor table for the slightest moment, looking at a particular group of four boys who broke the record for most detentions within three years. Then he continued, "We have a new young librarian, Madam Pince, and a new nurse, Madam Pomfrey."

The two women stood up at the High Table. Madam Pomfrey beamed at the applause the school gave them; Madam Pince looked at all of them through hard eyes.

"Now I know all young people think about is food at a time like this, so eat!" Dumbledore merrily finished, practically waltzing back to the table in glee. He seemed to be in a very good mood today.

Lily tuck in hungrily, sitting between Alice and Jazmin. I saw Darcy with those pretty glasses on reading a Muggle book I had seen before, An Imperial Affliction (I know The Fault in Our Stars wasn't around yet and this book doesn't really exist - I think - so yeah ... ).

"Willow, can you pass the salt?"

Willow Grey stared up at her stubbornly.

"Oh, right, "Lily said. "Sorry, Will, can you pass the salt?"

She grinned. "Sure, Lily."

"You like being called Will?"

Will turned to the source of the voice. "Who asked you to get into it, Potter? You should really learn to leave Lily and her friends alone, she doesn't like it."

"Finally, someone who stands up to him! Good on you, Will, "Lily said.

Will's grin from before returned twice as radiant. Lily was pretty sure she needed sunglasses.


Okay, I'm not good at making rhyming songs! Don't judge! I'll try better next time.

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