The End of an Eventful Year

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The end of their fifth grade marked the year where Lily was most confused about what her emotions were. After three fortnights of heavy pondering she had figured out it consisted of 45% anger, 45% gladness and 10% sadness.

"All Prefects over here!" McGonagall called. "I need to see you!"

Lily smiled as Remus emerged from a carriage; it faded quickly as it had come to see Sirius frantically waving, James winking and Peter being unable to suppress his peculiarly high-pitched giggles that made his look even more like a rodent than he usually did. That being said, his laughter made him sound like no ordinary rat - No, Lily thought irritatedly as she turned away to ignore them and follow Remus into the Prefect's carriage, it made him sound like a close-to-dead one chocking on something.

"Sorry about them," Remus apologised briskly once out of their earshot. "You of all people should know they haven't changed a bit from the immature kids I met on the way to first year."

She shrugged. "Yeah, well, it's not your fault, never has been, so you haven't a reason to apologise. Mind you, I still think it's ridiculous that you're friends with them, Remus. You know you're different and you deserve so much better than that."

"They're good people, Lily," Remus reasoned. "I know you don't see it but they help me in ways that prove their notable nobility and heroicness. In fact, despite their occasional immatureness, I would be prepared to risk my life for all three of them, especially considering they have risked their own for me." This statement confirmed Lily's Remus-is-definitely-a-werewolf-and-there-is-absolutely-no-way-in-the-world-that-he-could-deny-it-if-I-was-to-ask-him-and-have-all-the-evidence-with-me-which-I-unfortunately-don't-since-I-don't-have-a-camera theory. "Peter's honest, Sirius stands up for what he believes in, and James is the bravest person I've ever had the privilege of knowing."

"Yes, well, I think it was terrible misfortune that led me to meet Potter and Black in first place," Lily muttered coldly (A/N: Alright, I admit I got that from Hermione's whole big inspiring statement to Ron which I thoroughly enjoyed, "You are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune of meeting").

"Each to their own," Remus shrugged.

"Indeed," Lily gave him a curt nod before they burst into unexplainable and unexpected fits of giggles (which confused McGonagall so much she didn't even bother asking) and began discussing things casually like normal friends.

And thus closed Lily's somewhat eventful fifth year, as the sun shone down on the rolling hills all the way back to Platform 9 & 3/4 at King's Cross Station.

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