polar opposites

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Katsuki Bakugou's POV

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing on my desk as i sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I groaned when i held the phone above my head, letting the brightness sting my eyes for a second before swiping to answer the call.

"Hey kacchan! im heading to school now! I just wanted to be your alarm clock because i know you broke the last one i bought you. You have to go and open the cafe! feel free to talk to me in class using telepathy whenever. we both know i know most of the non-fighting related stuff anyway." my boyfriend, Izuku informed me with a slight snicker at the end.

"Damn, i thought i was supposed to be the egotistical prick!" i joked making both of us laugh. "You also cant blame me if i end up ranting about work in your head or just saying memes!" i said with a mischevious undertone to my voice.

I heard a giggle on the other end of my phone as izuku probably realised how much he regretted his decision.

"Oh i also wanted to ask you something!" i announced as izuku finished giggling.

"And that is?" i heard izuku ask.

"Can i keep a small connection to your mind so if you get into any trouble i can sense your strong emotions and tell if something is wrong? i wouldnt want anything bad to happen to you." i asked, letting a little bit of sappiness slip into my words nearer the end.

"Sure kacchan! just dont jumpscare me when you just pop up into my head again!" izuku whined as he remembered last time.

i just laughed in response to his request but then grudgingly said fine in a defeated manner.

"Okay Kat, im just outside of U.A. right now! you can duck in and out of my brain during the day if you want, but i have to go into the school right now. love you baby!" he exclaimed loudly as he seemed to be a nervous wreck.

"Babe, i can feel your anxiety radiating from you all the way in my room, you will be fine, all the other students will love you! if anyone is less than nice they will have to speak to me!" i reasured him with a hint of bloodlust towards anyone who hurts him.

"Okay, i can do this! thanks katsuki, have fun at work!"

"Its no problem izu, have a good day at school." i responded before saying goodbye.

"bye!" "bye izuku!"

I hung up and swung my legs lazily over the side of my bed and trudged into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After drying my hair, i dressed into a pair of black, skinny jeans that were ripped, and a plain white, long sleeved shirt. I rolled up the sleeves to that they were just above my elbows and then grabbed everything i needed for work before heading out.

I worked in a cafe that was owned and worked in by me, and sometimes some other teens desperate for some money or in a similar situation to me. Right now we have 2 people working behind the register, a boy named shinsou and I. On occasion izuku would help out as a server and would also help with cleaning. shinsou and i got along pretty well and i would defintely call us friends, we both have a similar sense of humour and we both have no definate parents, well, not anymore.

Due to the fact that we were all 15 apart from me who was 16, we had to lie to inspectors and pretend that Izukus mother, Inko, is the owner and that shinsou and i are both 18, which was easy enough considering that we were both above 6ft tall, izuku on the other hand was definitely not. Inko would just say that izuku was just helping clean up the place, and that he was not an employee. All of the people we had lied to believed us, luckily, as it would be closely illegal to have a 16 year old owning a cafe and earning money especially since i have had it since i was 14. There were heroes and some police officers who come into the cafe and know that we lied about our age and the ownership, but none of them say anything surprisingly.

I dont have many friends, i only really speak to izuku, shinsou and the customers. Some of our regular customers are really nice! there is a really nice old lady who comes here and buys a green tea and a biscuit. i remember my regulars orders and have them ready for them before they come in which gets me extra tips and better reviews, even though that was not what i was aiming for it is still a good to get some type of thanks.

both me and shinsou work behind the counter, shinsou is usually at the register and i am the one making the coffee and getting the biscuits which are made for us everyday by izuku and his mother. I am extremely grateful for everything izuku and his family has done for me, Inko has been my legal guardian since my parents died, but she lets me live in a small aprtment that i love. i pay for it with the money i earn from the cafe ans sometimes izuku stays for a couple of months.

I turned around the corner as i got out my small silver keys to unlock the door of the cafe. i quickly got to work by laying out all of the biscuits and coffee cups for display, then swinging my apron over my head and began warming up the coffee machines whilst making shinsou some coffee.

Just as i was about to draw a cat using foam on top of shinsou's coffee which represented his soul, i remembered that shinsou will be at U.A. Along with Izuku so I will have to take the whole school hours shift. Luckily the cafe was busier when schools got out, but I still have quite a lot of people to serve. Since I was used to my job it was much easier than it would seem to do it alone. There were adults sitting doing work in their laptops and just chatting in general. Obviously, my cafe is not starbucks, so we don't get lines of people. Its just the occasional people who walk by and decide to come in, so sometimes both Shinsiu and i have time to just talk. It had quietened down so I decided I would annoy Izuku.

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