French Rants And Mario.

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Izuku's POV

 Must say, waking up in a hospital bed, without your boyfriend who you hardly seperate from (with the exception of school) and with the guy in the room next to you who keeps humming the mario theme tune over and over and over again, is not the best way to get up in the morning.

Katsuki had to go back to the cafe quickly after i got medical attention, but i have to stay over-night to make sure that none of my wounds open up again, i also have to get some way to fill the hand-print dent in my leg, so that would be another fun trip. To be honest, i think the hand print scar is cool, it doesnt really effect me much and it is funny to see peoples reactions, but my mum is worried that it might turn into some type of horrible memory bringing thing that could make me sad later on. And you know what they say, mother knows best! ( tho, if your mum is an asshole, she does not know best. Rapunzel teaches you alot...)

So yeah, my other friends visited me earlier on today, just after i got here, and they also went to go check on iida who had in fact fractured his ankle and not sprained it. The three friends all brought up the mysterious voice that spoke in their heads when we began talking about the attack, Todoroki being the only one to realise how he called me by my first name. Suspicion was clear when they asked me if i knew them, of course, they already knew about my friend that telepathically communicates with Aizawa, Shinsou and i, so i just explained that it was the same person. Surprisingly, none of them pushed any further than that.

Aizawa was taken into the emegency room unsurprisingly, I remember watching kacchan calm down Hizashi as he began to cry and panic at the though of the couple not making it to their wedding, the scene broke my heart a bit. The medical teams where all shouting out things that made no sense to me, but i knew that Katsuki could understand it, they took Aizawa into surgery where they fixed his ribs, skull fracture, and multiple broken bones mixed with internal bleeding. With the help of quirks, he was out of the OR after four and a half hours, which led him to be where he is now. Complaining about the volume in a hospital bed, through the mind link we both shared, courtasy of katsuki. Shota had apparently found out that Shinsou had gotten a cat, so many of our discussions are just about pets, Hizashi, Katsuki, cats, school, more cats and finally, ourselves. My future fake dad is confusing. That title just gets worse when you think of Hizashi's one, My future fake dad in law, in law. Ah yes, how accurate.

The hospital was surprisingly un-nerving, especially for a place that helps people get better. Every time somebody would walk past my room i held my breath in hopes they wouldnt come in, im surprised that i have not passed out yet. The wall are covered in cringy posters, all about health and safe sex, things that im not really wanting to accidently read out of boredom, and the floor is the same ugly white with thousans of black specles, which i most certainly mistake for bugs every now and then. 

The room to my right held a man who was most likely bored out of his mind, the only thing he does in hum annoying songs over and over again, i have already counted him humming the mario theme 23 times all the way through to the end. The room to my left held a french woman, one of the languages i know a bit of, whenever someone visits her she goes off into a rant about a neighbour or a supposed friend who had wronged her in the tiniest way.

"Je déteste Claire," I would hear her scream, "Elle doit me rendre ma baignoire en plastique! Qui emprunte des choses et ne les rend pas? Honnêtement! Le nerf de certaines personnes!" she complained as i stifled my laughter, honestly, what a karen.

(I hate Claire. She must give me back my plastic tub! Who borrows things and them does not give them back? Honestly! The nerve of some people!)

Whenever anyone would visit me, i would ask when i could leave, my injuries were already healed and i honesly felt fine, i had no pain since katsuki got rid of it. I had about three more hours until my mum could pick me up and take me home, apparently the school is hiring a therapist because of attacks such as this, so i needed to book an appointment with them before i get to leave. The other thing i was doing, apart from talking to Aizawa about cats, asking to go home, and listening to people ranting and humming, was worrying about Katsuki and Shinsou.

Katsuki had mentioned running out of the shop after leaving a note, not locking the doors due to customers inside, he had told me about how the teenagers that were harrasing The bakusquad, Shisou and i,  had vandalised his property when they saw that he had left, and i could tell that he didn't want to make a big deal out of it but his fake dads had other plans.

Personally, i prefer Aizawas method of castration and amputation, but Hizashi's method of jail works too...

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