Sibling Bond.

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That particular morning after held a heavy atmosphere as the boy spritzed and wiped the counters. The Café was not even open, yet the boy was feeling stressed and already fed up due to rambling thoughts the previous day. He couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, the longing feeling of getting a proper life lay in his chest but was repressed by his distaste of the hero society themselves. He longed for a world in which he grew up oblivious, loving heroes and blindly following them as he lived his dream. A world in which his parents were alive and loving, but not without his mothers stubborn personality and his fathers peace keeping. Some alternate universe where he has a group of friends and grows up without caring about money or paying the bills. Running a café was one of his biggest achievements, one of his favourite things in his life, but it wasn't normal. Despite how many friends he had made, how happy he was as he talked with customers, he was a child. It wasn't what he had in mind growing up.

A quick flip of a sign and he was ready to start the day, his mind shaking away his mood as a couple of new faces came through his doors. One was a white haired man, the other being a shorter female with white and red hair. The man stood lazily, but the blonde saw his eyes walk around the room, scanning the vacancy of people and the pictures on the walls. The female smiled slightly towards him, eyes also scanning his scowl and causing her expression to dip slightly before going back to a smile. His eyes scanned their body language, realising that they were defensive in the way they held themselves and that their eyes flicked to each exit. Maybe a couple of people that came from a bad situation or have some type of past. Either way, it wasn't any of his business.

"Hello, what can i get for you?" He softened his scowl slightly, clearing the earlier thoughts from his head as he looked towards the two of them.

"Hey, can I get any cold drink you have?" The one with white hair asked, a hand resting on his neck as he turned to the girl beside him, "What are you wanting?" He asked the other, watching as he eyes scanned the menu.

"May I have a milkshake, please?" She asked, looking at him from through her glasses with nervous eyes. 

"No ones stopping you." He replied, meaning it in a nicer way then it sounded. He watched as the girl shrunk in to herself slightly and he immediately felt bad. "Fuck. I didn't mean it like that." He rushed afterwards, stammering slightly through his apology. 

"No, no. It's fine!" She replied, smiling once again as Bakugou breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Is that everything for you two?" The blonde scripted, watching as the boy with white hair gave him a weird look that caused him to feel uncomfortable. 

"Yeah." The man shrugged, reaching in to his pocket and fishing out a wallet, only to be stopped by the girl.

"You are the one in college, I'm the one with a job." She stated, lifting a card from her purse and using contactless payment. 

"We are both rich, Yumi." He huffed in amusement, watching her pause for a second before a look of realisation spread on her face.

"Oh, forgot about that." 

Bakugou tried to stifle the laugh that escaped his throat, playing it off as a cough as he asked for a name for their order.

"Todoroki, please." The girl nodded, placing the card back in her purse and throwing it back in to a carrier bag that hung from her arm.

"Thank you, feel free to take a seat anywhere." Bakugou responded, lifting himself off of the counter and over to to the back room that held the louder equipment as to not disturb guests. Quickly throwing some ice cubes, ice cream, milk, yogurt and flavouring into one of the blenders, he pressed the button and watched as it whizzed. In a metal shaker, he poured in some pink lemonade and a slight bit of syrup before chucking in ice and shaking it until the blender was finished with the milkshake. He poured the pink lemonade into a plastic cup and through in a couple more ice cubes and a handful of raspberries. Lifting another plastic cup, he drizzled the cup with caramel syrup before pouring in the vanilla milkshake, added a swirl of whipped cream and finally drizzled the top bit afterwards.

Walking out of the back room, he saw that the two were seated in a far corner and instead of calling their names he brought the drinks over, which is what he usually did when things were quiet. 

"Here are your drinks!" He grabbed their attention, grinning as he watched the girl take her drink  and immediately stare at it for a solid five seconds before getting her straw and scooping some cream in to her mouth. The white haired man looked at his drink for a while, not being able to complain because he never ordered anything specific, before taking a sip and causing his face to light up.

"Thank you." The girl sighed as she sipped through her straw, laughing at the boy opposite who mumbled the words 'pinkity drinkity' under his breath.

"No problem." The blonde replied, listening as the bell chimed before walking back to the counter to greet the new customers.


 + Back at UA +

"Holy shit!" Kaminari exclaimed as he gazed at his phone with a look that could only be described as awe. The people around him either ignored him with worry at what he was looking at, or stood to surround him and look to see what was so cool.

Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya, Mina and Uraraka watched Kaminari's phone, squinting as he turned the volume up to reveal Spice Girls - Wannabe playing through some speakers as a group of people danced and washed the front of a shop. On the window, the faint lettering spelling out a homophobic slur could be seen as the youngest two of the group scrubbed at it with sponges, not looking very affected by it at all.

What caught Midoriya's eye wasn't the group of elderly's dancing to spice girls, it was the boy with blonde hair that owned the shop. A shop that had been a big part of his life.  

"Isn't that Bakubro and his Café?"  Kirishima asked, watching the old man absolutely annihilate the song. The group squinted further, coming to a realisation that Denki and Midoriya has come to just before them.

"Oh my god. Deku is that your boyfriend?" Uraraka just about yelled for the whole world to hear.  

Mina and jirou, who must have been listening in, burst out laughing as they heard Bakugou and Jackson hype up the dancers, whooping and clapping at them as they bust it down. At one point Jackson had yelled "Bust down Thotiania!" which caused a chant as Greta lowered herself onto her knees and shimmied her hips like Shakira could never. Debra was singing loudly with Richard, who was border-line twerking from where he shook. It wasn't long before the whole Bakusquad and the ones who watched the video, not including Shinsou who was sleeping at his desk, were howling in laughter.

"How many views does this have?" Midoriya mumbled through his laughter.

"Way too many for him not to realise soon." Sero chuckled as he watched the clip end.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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