small chat.

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Katsuki's POV

I am bricking it to be honest, this shit is scary and i also think Nezu is looking at me strangely, like im food or something. Hizashi is beside me in the car as we speed along the road, a bit ahead of us you could see heroes jumping rooftops and allmight soaring above us at a high speed.

The speed we were going at was enough to make anyone not used to this a tad bit parnoid, and im pretty sure i was gripping the seat a bit too harshly. Even though i was nervous, i was also ready, im not just gonna let my idiots die without getting dragged down with them. This is so dumb, i mean, they are literally 14-15 year olds, izuku being one of the oldest and shinsou being over age at 16. Right now they are probably stranded without news of any type of help coming, i decided to at least give them some hope to hold on to and inform them of the situation.

"Does anyone have a list of the students names with profile pictures?" I asked, leaning forward despite the speed in attempt to make my voice reach further.

"Nows not the time for profiling kid, this is serious." i heard a voice from the front of the car reply.

I rolled my eyes and then dove into Hizashi's head, without warning might i add.

Alot of information was thrown at me without any type of shield like other peoples minds, i had to sift through most of it to get to student information and memories.

English class seems like a good place to start.

Ignoring all of the kids that i have met/have seen pictures of and know their names, i gathered all of the information to make an in-head group chat.

With a gasp heard from hizashi as i left his head, i gained access to all of the students minds and linked part of them together, allowing us to communicate through telepathy.

"Students and Eraserhead!" i spoke, a wave of fear and confusion entering my system as they heard, "No need to be alarmed, im with the heroes. Those who know me, try to keep the knowledge on me unknown from the villain group by not telling the others my name. The heroes are on their way, please hang tight and we will be there soon."

"How can we know to trust you? " an unfamilliar voice spoke, male and seemingly strained.

"Any of those who know me can vouch for my loyalty, you can speak up if you want to convince your peers dumbasses." I huffed, directing the last bit towards the bakusquad.

"Dandelion?" Shinsous voice spoke, a slight huff after the irritating nickname.

"sup' eyebags!" i spoke, "Can someone fill me in on the situation?" 

"So, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima are currently fighting against the strongest villains while protecting mr Aizawa. Iida, Uraraka and Momo are helping an injured Thirteen. Jiro, denki and Tsuyu are currently trying to take down a guy who seems to be their transport. I think the others are fighting the other groups of villains who are weaker and i have no clue where the invisible one is. And im making a group of villains attack eachother..." Shinsou rambled, clearly nervous.

"Just wanted to check, are all of you able to move and fight, just hearing me as if you are wearing earphones and not that you are frozen and unaware of your surroundings..." I asked, remebering that sometimes i forget to unfreeze the people i have a telepathic connection with.

"I am moving just fine!" A voice chirped.

"Mhm!"           "yeah"     "we are fine!"

Choruses of yes' followed filling me with relief.

"Is anyone critically injured or badly hurt?" i asked, remebering the pain Izuku felt earlier.

"Mr Aizawa seems to be the worst right now, he was against this thing that was made to destroy allmight and someone with a decay quirk disintegrated parts of his flesh, so he has pretty life threatening injuries, i think that Midoriya has a broken arm and maybe a split open head and Iida has a sprained ankle but apart from that, none of us are badly injured or unable to move." a voice i recognised as mina spoke.

"So Izuku and Shota are badly injured and Tenya Iida has an injury which harms his mobility."


"Well thats pretty shit, we are 2 minutes away, does anyone need to tell me anything that may be extremely useful..."


"Okay then, sorry if a gave any of you a fright, i hope to meet you all soon." was the last thing i said before seperating the link and looking around the car to see Present Mic and Nezu looking at me.

"I know for a fact that you are not going to like the news Hizashi, but right now, you have to stay calm, everything is going to be okay..." I spoke, voice softer than usual which probably scared the shit out of him.

"O-okay i promise, is it about Shota?"

i nodded.

"Im going to be blunt and not sugar coat it." 

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"We are going to need to hurry the fuck up or he is going to die."

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