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3rd POV

It was about 3 weeks since bakugou and the other idiots created the bakusquad. Izuku and katsuki were enjoying their current routines, for Katsuki it was wake up, go to work, see izuku and maybe some other idiots, sometimes go to Shota and 'Zashi's place for dinner and then sleep. For Izuku, it was wake up, wake his lazy ass boyfriend up on the way to school, do hero things, go to the cafe, chill there with katsuki and the other dumbasses and then either go back to Katsuki's place or his, while occasionally getting invited to go to his teachers/ his boyfriends fake dads house for dinner. 

None of the class apart from Izuku and the Bakusquad knew of Bakugou, let alone the idea of Izuku being in a relationship, though people had never asked him if he was in a relationship, so he couldn't say he was keeping it secret. The Bakusquad were known as either the Kirisquad, the crackheads or the dumbasses, and bakugou would never admit to it out loud, but he was happy to be a part of their friend group which surrounded him in dumbass energy. He began to be less anti-social when away from his boyfriend, he also spent alot of time texting the bakusquad group chat and helping them with homework. Even without proper schooling past middle school, with his brain hacking abilities he had collected alot of knowledge and could go without schooling for the rest of his life, making him smarter than his generation.


Katsuki was wiping down the counters of his cafe, it was around 10:00am and he had just gotten word from izuku who said that they were on the bus, going to USJ for rescue training. There was a slight pit in his stomach when he told me, put i just shrugged it off as worry that he might get hurt, or as much as it hurts him to say it, jealously. There was no denying when it came to the slight jealously that bubbled up in his stomach every time he heard Izuku talking about how much he loved his school, and how carefree he was at the moment, but he would never try to bring his boyfriend down from that high due to his jealously. Especially when the reason he was not in that school with Izuku right now is because it was his decision.

Bakugou's POV

Shaking the inner monologue away, i took the person who just came in's order, quickly making him a black coffee and then going back to cleaning around the coffee machines and the additives. The bell chimed and one of my more frequent customers came in, we had a small conversation, just about our day so far, and about other things when we trailed off of our earlier topic.

Just as i finished taking her order she took something out of her bag, it was honestly one of the best things i have seen all week. it was a sign that read...








After reading it i began to laugh, loud enough for everyone in the cafe to hear, some looked amused, mainly the ones who are regulars, some looked irritated, and some looked down-right confused. I gave her a hug and thanked her for making me a sign, she was laughing as well when i ran to go and get tape to stick it on the front door. I was giggling as i taped it up, and then looked outside to see it. I gave a triumphant huff before going in to make the nice girls order. After making a frappe and getting a muffin, i walked over to her table and gave it to her, with an additional cookie added in to thank her some more. I walked back to behind the counter and cleaned productively, waiting for the chime of the bell, signaling that another customer had either came in, or left the cafe.

A pang of fright hit my head and i began to thing about izuku or shinsou, feeling as if one of them were in trouble, i gained a joint telepathic connection with them.

"Are you okay?" I asked, rather loudly into their heads.

"Not really." Shinsou thought, making me internally roll me eyes.

"Kacchan, i need to get in touch with UA And the heroes, tell them to go to USJ and that it was an emergency." Izuku further added, i could feel slight coldness and pain from him, with just some coldness from shinsou.

"What is going on though?" I asked, feeling exhausion from shinsou and fright from them both.

"Villain attack, just get the heroes quickly please!" Izuku huffed, clearly not having any time to talk at the moment. 

I disconnected from our mental group chat while kicking them out of eachothers heads and began to panic just a bit. Grabbing my phone, i called UA highschool, leaving to the backroom to take off my apron and grab some stuff.

"Hello, this is UA's Principal speaking, what seems to be the problem?" The person on the other side of the phone asked, i knew that they had a high specs quirk so i didnt ask how they knew there was a problem.

"Im an associate of Eraserhead, He told me he needs a team of strong heroes to go to USJ and help protect the students due to a villain attack." I said, trying to sound calm and collected while writing 2 notes to put on the door and the counter to explain that we were closing.

"Eraserhead does not have many associates, what makes you think i believe you?" The rat mused, possibly trying to figure out if i was lying or not.

"Ask hisashi, say its Bakugou Katsuki on the phone." I stated, running towards the gates of UA which was pretty far away. The principal put me on hold as he presumably went to ask Present Mic.

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