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Trecking down to a high school in a navy blue apron, otherwise known as the cafe's uniform, stood out. Especially when you are walking through the gates of a hero school without any ID and/or known hero name or license. The four windowed towers stood almost mockingly infront of the blonde, his neat attire contradicting the scowl planted firmly on his disgusted face. The building up guilt made him pause just before opening the glass door, ongoing fear bubbling out of a place he had long ago repressed in his mind. Lightly shaking his head, he stood taller, completely forgetting his work attire, before strutting into the building. Sending a small acknowledging nod towards the lady at the front desk, before staring at a small map on the wall.

Figuring out that Nezu's office was a long way away, the boy sighed before trudging through the school hallways, his hands buried deep inside his pockets as his mind ran over reaccuring thoughts. The way he held himself conveyed irritation, eyes locking with his high-top shoes as he spun haphazardly around a corner. The way the halls screamed 'rich' caused his stomach to do backflips, wondering what a place like this wanted with him. The fear of doing something wrong was weighing in his mind, maybe he had broke a couple of laws as he used his quirk? Or maybe a hero had snitched to their higher-ups about his harsh words or attitude.

The marble walls reminded him of a hospital, but the smell of roses travelled throughout the hallway, calming his nerves slightly as he inhaled the scent. His mother preffered roses to any other flower, Debra wore rose scented perfume, Aunty Inko always had pink roses parked somewhere on a table in her bungalow. I guess you could say the smell was inviting to Katsuki, reminding him of all the mother figures in his life and forcing him to feel slightly more at ease.

A couple of staircases later, Katsuki wondered how many students hated walking up and down these stairs each day, but he later remembered that most of the teenagers in UA were physically fit. He felt suddenly glad that he had been working out most of his life, wondering how the fuck normal people would survive compared to stairs like these. No elevator in sight made him groan, knowing that he was going to have to hike up a couple more staircases.

Rapping his knuckle against the steel door, Katsuki stepped back in politeness, his mind clearing and focussing on what he was going to say as an introduction. The door shoved open, Katsuki staring straight forward in confusion, leaning to peek his head around the door to check if anyone was there. Movement in the bottom of his eyeline caught him off guard, causing him to jump and throw his hands infront of his face, hands raised into tight fists.

"It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog, or a mouse, or a bear, but more importantly... Im the principal!" A body announced from the floor, shocking Bakugou back into reality and causing him to drop his raised fists down to his side.

"I forgot that you owned this place." He mumbled shaking his head and letting out a sigh of relief, "Sorry."

"There is no need to be on edge, Bakugou!" The Principal mused, clapping his paws together as he paused, "Nobody is getting in trouble." He confessed, holding a lower door handle as he led the boy in. Despite the Principals polite and gentle personality, The blonde boy couldn't help but find no comfort in the elder's words.

As he dove into the room, a feeling of steadiness coming back to his previously shaking legs as he moved further in, he spotted Hizashi and around a dozen other Pro heroes in the room, a couple of which he disliked. A spare seat was pulled out beside The loud pro hero, a small piece of card on the table with the name 'Bakugou' had indicated to the standing blonde, that this was where he was supposed to move. Letting out a shuddering breath due to the silence of the room, Bakugou swiftly forced his legs to move over to the office chair and sit down, slowly inching forward and tucking it in to the meeting table infont of him. Turning his head to the left, he gave a smile to his father figures boyfriend, knowing that the man was having a hard time while his fiance lay in hospital. Watching the happy man break apart and collect himself back together hurt Bakugou in a way he couldn't understand. Not that he could understand his own emotions to begin with. But now that he was seated in a room with the man, them both sharing reassuring smiles, he decided that there wasn't much need for worry.

"Bakugou, How would you feel if you became a part of our school?" Nezu enquired, sitting snuggly in a tall chair that towered over the others in the room. Bakugou couldn't help but feel as if all his thoughts led up to nowhere.

"What?" He spoke, utterly confused. His mind was telling him that this was a trick, but his quirk told him that Nezu was being completely genuine. "Like what type of part?"

"Well I was thinking that you could be a trainer for those that have quirks that don't effect their physical strength." Nezu spoke, confusing the sixteen year old even more. The way Yamada looked at Nezu was laughable, he looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel in his eye due to widening them to the size of saucers.

"You do know that he is sixteen, right?" Yamada exclaimed, his voice raising a few octaves. The whole room paused at that, turning with wide eyes towards the blonde boy who despised the attention with a burning passion. Nezu had also paused, his mind whirring with wonder. His quirk hadn't given him that information, his mind didn't stop to think if the boy was younger than he seemed. Did he overlook something?

"No. I was unaware of that." He muttered, his paws tapping as he tried to find an error in his analysis. "Then, a student, you can join Aizawa's class and participate in the  upcoming sports festival."  Nezu concluded, still utterly confused at the fact he missed something.

Bakugou paused for a second, his mind flicking through the memories of his parents, the fire, the pain, peeling skin, the screaming. Heroes. It was overwhelming, causing him to double over and grip the fabric of his jeans. He tried to clear his mind, forcefully shoving the memories back and returning to the real world, in which Yamada gave him a sharp, worried look. Out of all the adults in the room, only one had realised other than Yamada. It wasn't surprising to Bakugou, since the other one to realise was one of the smartest people in the world.

"Sorry for the panic." Nezu signed with his paws, only Yamada and Bakugou knowing sign language in the room, and despite Nezu only having four fingers, he made up for it in fluency.

The younger blonde nodded in response, his thoughts wandering between acceptance and denial. He thought of the guilting jealously that he feels every time Izuku comes and talks about how amazing school is. He thought about the people that had always wanted him to be a hero, and each time when he let them down.  He also thought about the Cafe, having no one to run it during the day would crush his company, and each of the customers that he sees daily will slowly forget about him. He thought about the hatred he felt for the commission, the government that was fucked enough to over look three missing people, just because a hero was the one that caused their disappearance. A society that caused a fourteen year old to work to earn a living, just so they could cover up for their mistakes.

"Fuck no." He replied, his words hitting the room like a bullet. The utter shock and confusion was drowned out in the anger rolling off of the younger boy in waves. He shook with both fear and rage, the resentment he felt finally being out in the open. Knowing that not all heroes were bad, but the world was fucked, Bakugou decided that he didn't want to be a part of it just yet.

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