shift ended.

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Izuku's POV

I sat in the booth with my new friends, all of us watching the girl who had ran into the heroes, lying and sobbing. my classmates all watched in horror as they assumed that my boyfriend is about to be jailed for sexual harrasment, clearly not realising how outnumbered the girl is in this situation. 

"Why is bakugou still smirking?"                                       

"shouldnt we be worried!?"

"Damn midoriya, your boyfriend is the complete opposite of you!"

"Why didnt you tell the class that you had a hot boyfriend mido!?"

"Whats about to happen?"

The last question was asked when we could all see katsuki, walking up to their scary teacher and handing him a cup of coffee. my friends watched in confusion as aizawa and katsuki both gave a small smile to eachother before the 2 pro heroes began whispering. Aizawa motioned for katsuki to talk, and after what he said, both pro heroes began to have looks that could scare the devil himself. this was the point i began laughing.

"oh god, i kinda feel sorry for that girl!" i giggled, wiping a tear from my eye. the group all turned to me with shocked expressions.

"HUH!!!" the group chorused at my laughs, probably longing for answers.

"Shota acts like a dad to katsuki, meaning that this girl just lied about his kid. and let me tell you, shota does not take well to people insulting his fake son." i claimed, earning a few gleaming smiles and wider eyes.

"wait! you mean that aizawa isnt always grumpy and scary?" mina asked as i smiled and nodded my head. The pro heroes began making their way over to the table on our left, not noticing the big group of students. Shota was the first to notice them and immediately rammed his head into the table with a groan. 

The group all made idle chat as i waited for katsukis shift to end, which is in 10 minutes. kaminari and sero have been attempting to answer the question 'is water wet?' for the last 5 minutes, mina and jiro were talking about this new song or something, and kirishima and i were talking about our favourite heroes. 

5 minutes later, me and kirishima had both been dragged into the conversation about the new songs, along with denki and sero. the girls explained how there was a new song writer who was annonomous and had made songs on youtube. The only visual thing that they had was a song name, a fake name/alias of the singer/song writer and music videos per song written. The video itself was just a guitar being plucked and strummed in one half of the screen, while a drumset was being played on the other. Only the instruments played were on screen, no singers face anywhere, making fans really want to find the identity of this amazing singer. 

i glanced over at the bar, seeing katsuki begin making a chocolate milkshake for me, and a mint chocolate frappe for himself. probably just about to come and join us due to his ending shift. i just zoned into the conversation again, listening to jiro rant about how well the man played both electric guitar and drums, while also singing really well. until one thing mina said caught my attention.

"And, get this! GROUND ZERO began posting everyday after that! his song has over 4 million subsribers, even without a face reveal or any type of public identity!" Mina squeeled.

"Wait! did you say GROUND ZERO?" both me and shota asked, at the exact same time. Obviously. Shota isnt as good at ignoring people as he thinks, because he was listening in on the converation.

"Eh.. yeah thats his name?" jiro replied, unsure of what to think of the sudden outburst.

"oh my god, im so ready to kill him!" i said, loud enough for the others to hear.

3rd POV

"So he didnt tell you either?" Shota enquired towards Izuku. By this time, katsuki had already finished making his and Izuku's drinks, just making sure that shinsou was okay to take over for the rest of the day. He walked up to the table, sitting at the end closer to Shota and Present Mic while handing izuku his chocolate milkshake. Luckily, not failing to miss the look of murder in his eyes.

"Oh god... what did i do?" Katsuki asked worridly. 

"Does the singer, GROUND ZERO, ring any bells to you?" izuku asked, faking anger, probably scaring the shit out of katsuki.

"ononononoononoonno, how did you even find out about that? how'd you know?" kat asked, frantically looking around the group of students.

"Im lost? whats going on?" kaminari asked, getting a nod from all of the other confused people in the group.

"if i remember correctly, when we were kids, and wanted nothing more than to be heroes, what was your hero name going to be katsuki?" Izuku asks, tilting his head towards his boyfriend while sipping his milkshake.

katsuki knew he was screwed, he couldnt lie to Izuku, or the old man at the table beside them. so, like a man, he excepted his fate.

"That would be GROUND ZERO baby..." katsuki sighed, clearly losing this interrigation.

"Aha! i knew it! why didnt you tell me? i would have supported you!" Izuku asked, rubbing his hand on his boyfriends cheek.

"well... i knew that you were really stressed when training with skelleboi, and i guess, i just thought that adding my stress would make it worse." he admitted, eyes staring at the drink he was swirling in his hands.

"youre dumb..." his boyfriend giggled, nudging him with his elbow and taking another sip through his straw.

"yeah, i have told you that you are always gonna be the smart one in this relationship." katsuki chuckled, the fake tense atmosphere going away completely. the group that surrounded the couple where confused about what just happened, but, there were 2 girls that where staring at katsuki with wide eyes.

"Dont lie! We both know that you are actually the smarter one! just not with emotions and feelings." Aizawa stated, taking along sip of his black coffee afterwards.

"Not my fault that my brain stores knowledge like Izuku stores all might merch!" katsuki responded, earning laughs from the students and an embarrased screech from his boyfriend.

"You arent supposed to go around telling people that type of stuff, kacchan!" Izuku complained, covering his blushing face in his hands.

"welp, you just exposed my secret singer identity, sooooooo, now we are even!" katsuki grinned, motioning to the group of izukus friends all around them, that now know about katsuki's identity. izuku's face turned into one of shock.

"i swear to the all mighty Nezu, if you tell anyone about any of this, then i will make sure you will never be able to drink my coffee again. and i dont mean a ban." katsuki threatened into the students heads, making them jump in surprise. Izuku looked around the group, wondering what katsuki had said, but just shrugging and continuing to drink his milkshake. 

"Oh, and thanks for the info!" katsuki grinned as the group now knew not to mess with him. From what they have been told, katsuki is almost like an advanced hacker.

Hacking into peoples brains.

i wonder how much blackmail he has by now?

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