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He Di is in the kitchen chopping up vegetables in preparation for the evening meal

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He Di is in the kitchen chopping up vegetables in preparation for the evening meal. Yue is currently napping in the bedroom, a habit she has picked up during her pregnancy. She has had to stop performing shows since her bump became visible, much to Zhang Yong's annoyance, but it's unheard of to see a pregnant woman up on stage. He Di wishes he could spend more time at home with Yue, he misses the days back in Shanghai when their schedules were identical. He doesn't like the idea that she spends most of her days alone, but the tea business keeps him extremely busy and so he often only gets home in the evening.  He cherishes his weekends with her, when he can give her a 100 percent of his attention as it has not been the easiest of pregnancies for her, often feeling sick and exhausted. He has made sure that she is attended to by the best doctor in Hong Kong so that everything can go as smoothly as possible. She is two months away from giving birth and he is not willing to take any chances with Yue or his baby's health.

He mixes the chicken with the vegetables in the wok, cooking a stir fry, and then takes a spoonful of the fish head soup, tasting it to make sure that it is just right. He made pork dumplings yesterday so there are still some left over...she was really gushing over them last night. It's been quite the task finding foods that don't put Yue off,  who has been extremely sensitive to certain smells and tastes since being with child. When it's all ready he puts the food on the table and then heads to the bedroom. He sits on the bed and his features soften as he gazes at Yue's sleeping face. Sometimes he can't believe how lucky he is that a woman like Yue fell in love with him. He lightly caresses her cheek before landing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Yueyue, wake up my darling, dinner is ready."

"Hmm..." She murmurs and then slowly opens her eyes, rubbing them. "Baobei is that you?"

"Yes my love. Dinner is ready. Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving." She sits up and hugs He Di. "Hi Baobei, why didn't you wake me up when you got home? I missed you."

"I missed you too. How was your day?"

"I was quite tired so I slept for most of it."

"I don't like you being alone all day."

"I don't mind it. Sometimes if i'm up to it, I will take a walk down the street and chat with the neighbours. Wen Qing from next door will come over for tea from time to time so I'm not always alone."

"I just wish I didn't have to spend all day away from you." He sulks.

"You are working so hard to give us a good life Baobei." She says, rubbing her stomach. "There will be 3 of us soon whom you will need to take care of and who knows when I can perform again? So don't trouble yourself like this."

"You are right, it's just been a difficult pregnancy for you and I hate the idea of not being able to look after you during the week."

"You do look after me He Di." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "I'm not as fragile as you think I am. I'm a strong girl so there is nothing to worry about. Now come on, I'm starving!"

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