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The beautiful slumbering pair tangled up warmly in each other's bodies, are abruptly woken up from their dreams by the demanding screaming of their tiny daughter

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The beautiful slumbering pair tangled up warmly in each other's bodies, are abruptly woken up from their dreams by the demanding screaming of their tiny daughter. He Di groans and sits up in the bed yawning, with his arms stretched up and looking over at Yue, who is stubbornly refusing to open her eyes. He can tell she is up by the cute little pout on her face.

"Baobei?" She mutters.


"You get her this time."

Yue rolls over turning her back on him and putting a pillow over her head.

"I had forgotten what they are like at  two months old." He Di grumbles, getting out of bed.

It is now February, and a month after the New Year brought about the devastating news they were all dreading. Mr Emmet's death was confirmed in the first week of January, breaking everybody's hearts. Losing another person from his childhood has been hard on He Di and Yue does her best to keep him strong. She is grateful for their baby Lili, who keeps He Di occupied, the new life having a relieving effect on him. Sometimes she will find him crying in his study and she will hold him tight, cradling and comforting him. She will sing a lullaby to both him and Lili, trying to sooth his troubled heart. She will listen to his stories about their days in Sichuan when Mr Emmet was a younger man, healing from his father wound and trying to figure out his own life path away from his overbearing legacy. He Di will laugh, he will cry, he will be angry, he will be sad, and Yue just lets him feel all of his feelings. 

He Di picks up He Li from her bassinet and gently rocks her in his arms.

"Good morning my precious little girl, good morning my cutie."

The baby girl focuses her eyes on him for a second making little baby noises, before screaming her lungs out again.

"Yue, it's time for you to share my breasts with Lili." He Di says playfully.

"Awww, I'm so sleepy." Whines Yue, muffled from under the pillow.

"Come on Baobei, get that milk ready, Lili needs to eat!"

He gets onto the bed with the baby and sidles up to Yue. She groans one last time and finally sits up, removing the straps of her gown and exposing her breasts. He Di takes a moment to admire them loving how ripe they look. Yue who is waiting for him to hand Lili over to her, notices this and says,

"What are you staring at?"

"Two of the most beautiful sights on this earth." He responds with soft eyes.

Yue smiles and takes He Li into her arms, coaxing her to latche onto her nipple. He Li starts to feed and a contended expression spreads across her tiny face. He Di drapes himself around Yue, his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder, gazing down at his baby girl's face.

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