Digital Celebration

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"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all," Kaede sighed to herself. Because of the Corona virus, school was let out early, so Kaede made a Discord server for her class. That way, they could all keep in touch over the summer. It went well for a few weeks, but now that boredom was really setting in, people were starting to cause trouble.

"Fuck off, Kokichi! You don't even know your ass from your elbow!" Miu snapped as the self-proclaimed "Ultimate Supreme Leader" continued to taunt her. The two had been at it for about 15 minutes now, arguing over who was smarter and tech-savvier. Of course, as the Ultimate Inventor, Miu would take serious and personal offense to anyone who dared suggest that they were smarter (or tech-savvier). But rather than realize that Kokichi was just trying to make her mad, she repeatedly took his bait and argued back.

"You're an inventor, not a programmer, coder or roboticist! Let's face it! The only reason you know anything about robots is because Kee-boy is always giving you those "after-maintenance" pillow talks!" Kokichi snickered. "You shameless, dirty little pig-slut!"

"H-hey, c-c'mon!" Miu's voice rose about an octave, a clear sign that she was nervous. And most likely aroused. That girl really was shameless, always turned on by something. None of the other students had yet to get over the fact that Miu got off to Kokichi's merciless taunts.

Kaede sighed again. She had long since muted herself, and a small part of her wondered why she didn't just leave this disaster of a voice chat entirely, but as the server owner, she felt some level of responsibility over the situation, and she would've felt bad if she left. She knew she could've also technically called Kirumi to come take over for her, but she didn't want to do that either.

"Kirumi works hard enough already," Kaede told herself. Even though she knew Kirumi would've been more than willing to look after the server, Kaede still felt bad asking for her help. Especially because, admittedly, sometimes Kirumi could be a bit overbearing. Even though she was almost always right in the end, the others didn't always like her constant "helicoptering". Kaede didn't want to unnecessarily involve her.

But at the same time, Kirumi was the only other person on the server with any sort of authority. Since the server only totaled 16 people, Kaede had decided that she would only need one mod. Likewise, because this was Kirumi they were talking about, even if it were a server of 1000, if anyone could figure out how to moderate such a large number alone, it would be Kirumi. She was a one-woman army!

She was an expert with people and organization. Her skills at mediating and moderating were unmatched. She knew how to handle, run and order large groups of people. It was all part and parcel of being Ultimate Maid. Kaede just never realized how easily Kirumi would be able to translate those skills over into running a Discord. But with someone like Kirumi on the team, there really was no need for more mods.

Immediately after Kaede had created their little server, she'd considered making her boyfriend, Shuichi, a mod. But he'd been quick to protest. The poor boy didn't realize how capable he was. Instead, his insecurity and doubt led him to hastily decline the offer and Kaede had foolishly let him off the hook. In hindsight, she should've promoted him anyway. She wanted him to see how capable he truly was.

It still wasn't too late to change her mind, and Kaede was sure that if anyone could help Shuichi see his true potential, it would be Kirumi, but she would have to let everyone else know first so that no one accused her of favoritism. At least Kirumi had been a unanimous agreement. Several other students of the server had begged to be mods (mainly Kokichi, Miu, Angie and Tenko) but when Kaede suggested Kirumi, pretty much everyone immediately agreed that she was the best choice.

"But now, that means I have no one to ask for help," Kaede sighed. With Kirumi offline and Shuichi possessing no authority, it was just her. Miu and Kokichi were still arguing in the background, and now Kiibo had thrown himself into the fray, arguing against Kokichi's robophobia.

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