Online Shopping

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Fingers flying across the keys so fast that they were invisible, Alice Cullen went through site after site, eye moving faster than any mere mortal could've ever hoped to match. Bella was almost surprised the computer hadn't exploded because of how hard and fast Alice was working it. But because this wasn't anything new, Bella only reclined in her seat beside Alice as Alice continued her online shopping spree.

Bella smiled dryly as she watched Alice click through page after page after page, eyes and fingers never still, even for half a second. Tabs opened and closed faster than the blink of an eye. She could clear whole sites in seconds. Online shopping was Alice's new favorite hobby now that they were all on lockdown. Since she could no longer shop in real life, she turned to online shopping to fill the void.

She spent hours skimming the internet and asking Bella what looked good. Was there anything she wanted? What looked hot? And what did not? What did Bella like? What did she hate? She used all sorts of fancy internet programs to try to test out what each outfit would look like on Bella. It wasn't Bella's thing at all, but spending time with Alice made it worth it. Besides, at least online shopping meant she didn't have to go anywhere. Furthermore, because this was Alice's passion, Alice did all the work. All Bella had to do was give the occasional opinion. Easy!

The only time Alice ever ceased her endless and highspeed search was if she found something flashy enough to catch her eye for longer than a fraction of a millisecond. This time, it was a simple but stunning summer dress.

"Oooooh, I think this would look really nice on you, Bella!" Her eyes widened in delight as she turned to face her companion, looking hopeful.

"That's gonna be a hard no from me," Bella replied in a perfect, monotonous deadpan. Alice's face instantly contorted into a pout.

"Awwww, but Belllllllla! You didn't even look at the dress!" she whined, chirpy tone switching to a whiny one to match her expression.

"I don't need to in order to know that that style of clothing is not for me," Bella replied, still refusing to look at the screen and pretending to give Alice an uninterested expression. Her eyes were half shut and her arms were crossed. The perfect display of disinterest.

"You're no fun!" Alice's pout got bigger and she also crossed her arms, but in childish frustration rather than taunting indifference.

"I never claimed to be," Bella replied easily. "That's your job. Everyone knows you're the spritely one of the family."

"Mmmm, that is true, I guess," Alice admitted reluctantly. Half of her delighted in hearing Bella call her the funnest Cullen, but the other half was frustrated that it was true. Pun intended, why couldn't they be a little more lively?!

Yes, COVID was making it hard for anyone to feel happy and upbeat (although they were vampires, they still had to blend in with humans, which meant they had to obey quarantine), but that didn't mean they had to act like a bunch of boring, broody Edwards!

As if one of them wasn't enough! Alice thought to herself. Although Edward was her favorite sibling, that didn't mean she liked his constant angst. But it did, admittedly, make sense. Alice had the power of precognition, but as far ahead as she tried to look, the future remained unclear. It seemed as if the current state of quarantine was going to last indefinitely, and there were too many possibilities for any single future to be clearer than the others. Of course something like that was going to leave everyone tense and irritable.

Carlisle was stressed because he was hard at work trying to find a cure. Esme and Jasper were stressed because the rest of her family was stressed. Emmett was mopey because he couldn't go outside or see his buddies anymore. Rosalie was annoyed at having to be trapped inside with the rest of her family all the time. And even Alice was restless, bored and desperate for adventure! That was why online shopping was about all she did anymore. And Edward was... Edward. And Bella, of course, as a human, was susceptible to the virus.

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