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I'm so glad you guys have your priorities in order," Princeton deadpanned to himself. It was about time for one of their Zoom classes, but he was still getting Discord notifications. Quincy, Emma and Mallory were also all either in (or about to be in) Zoom classes, but not a single one of them was actually paying attention. Quincy was in history, but he'd spent most of his time Discord DMing. Mallory was in sociology and she had, shamelessly, admitted to having her mic and cam and sound off.

"You might as well not even be there!" Princeton typed back in surprise the first time she sent a screenshot in their server.

"Attendance is mandatory," Mallory typed back ruefully.

"But how are you going to get away with being muted and deafened with your face cam off?" Princeton asked.

"Well, the professor kind of wants us muted unless we have a question to ask or answer," Mallory typed. "And the deafened thing he doesn't have to know about. All I did was turn off the master volume, but he can't see that. And as for face cam, I do what any student in my place would do and say that I look like absolute crap. It's only like 10:00 AM and I'm still in bed in a nightgown. Fat chance I'm putting my face cam on!"

"MOOD!" Quincy typed back in all caps. He, at least, left the audio on, so even though he was still barely paying attention to the lecture, at least he was sort of listening. That made him only marginally better than Mallory, who was making no effort to at all. Not that she cared. And Quincy didn't either. He might as well have turned his volume off too for all the attention he was giving the class.

Emma, however, was being slightly better. Although she was still sporadically texting in the server and admitting how boring class was, because it was a science course, she felt obligated to be more attentive than either of her two companions.

"It's too confusing. I'd like to not pay attention, but that's literally impossible. If I zone out even for a second, I'll be lost forever!" she typed.

"How much longer do you have?" Quincy typed back, sending crying emojis.

"You got this!" Princeton typed at the same time, sending a thumbs up and a muscle emoji.

"Science sucks," Mallory typed last, sending a vomit emoji.

"It's almost over, thankfully," Emma admitted, sending a happy face. "Thanks for the support by the way," she added, sending a heart. Quincy spammed some hug emojis, Mallory sent more thumbs up and Princeton sent a smile back at her.

"Problem is, next Zoom is in an hour and a half and it's math!" Emma sent a ton of crying emojis which the others were quick to send back.

Even though Mallory's class had only just started, at least it was only sociology. It was boring, yes, because it was so painfully easy, but at least it wasn't something crazy hard and confusing like science or math. And Quincy was about halfway through his own lecture, between Mallory and Emma, but like Mallory's, his class was incredibly easy.

"It's just history," he typed. "No brain cells required. Just listen to the teacher drone and look everything up on Quizlet later."

"Mood," Mallory agreed, reacting to Quincy's message with a laugh emoji.

Princeton still had about five-ish minutes before his class would start, and it was a class about robotics, but it wasn't very intensive since it was just an intro class. Sometimes, it didn't even feel like a robotics class.

"Change your background if you can!" Quincy typed excitedly. "Get like a screenshot of some really cartoony robot and when you enter the Zoom, choose that as your background!"

"You can do that?" Princeton and Mallory both asked.

"Yes!" It was Emma who answered. "Sometimes, when you're in Zoom, you can click on the settings button and it will give you options about visuals and backgrounds and that's where you can either pick from their selection, or upload your own stuff!"

Irhaboggle Pride (2020) Quarantine EditionWhere stories live. Discover now