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"Bro, you need to chill out, bro," Mondo shook his head and scoffed as he watched Taka speed through yet another textbook.

"No, bro, no!" Taka insisted, still reading as he "debated" Mondo. "We have to keep our studies up during this trying time! It is more important now than ever before that we remain studious and diligent! We must keep our wits sharp! Who knows when the world may need our help?"

"Our help?" Mondo scoffed, shaking his head again.

"With this virus rampaging across the globe, they need every leader and Ultimate they can get!" Taka cried. "This will be my chance to serve my country to the best of my ability and prove my worth as the Ultimate Moral Compass!"

Ah. So that was what this was about. Of course, everyone knew Taka was the stereotypical honors student, but during quarantine, his devotion to his studies had only seemed to redouble (somehow). Now Mondo was finally understanding why.

"The world is in dire need of someone who can lead it back down the path of righteousness and order!" Taka continued to cry, the concept of an indoor voice being quite foreign to him. "I will be that leader and fulfill my duty as Ultimate Moral Compassand restore honor to my family!"

"The virus will probably have ended by then, bro," Mondo replied. "Several other Ultimates are already working on a cure!"

"But they'll still need a leader to help distribute the cure!" Taka insisted. "Even if the virus is but a distant memory by the time I finish my studies, the fallout from the virus will last. I must work with discipline, strength, fortitude, determination, perseverance and order!"

As he said this, Taka threw aside his current textbook only to reach for another.

"Bro, you still need to chill out," Mondo was reclining on a nearby couch while Taka was at a desk, back straight and posture perfect. "I know you wanna help and all, but you don't gotta be so damn proper about it all the time!"

"Of course I do!" Taka cried back passionately. "This is a dire situation that we are all duty and honor-bound to address! Besides, it would be a disgrace to allow such a rare and wonderful opportunity to pass us by without taking full advantage of it!"

"A rare and wonderful opportunity?" Mondo echoed, scratching the back of his neck in confusion.

"Although this quarantine is troublesome, it is upheld for the sake of the people, and has allowed us extended time to study!" Taka answered. Ah. Of course Taka would say that the extra study time was the best part of quarantine. Mondo expected nothing else from the "Ultimate Honors Student".

"But it's soooo boring, bro!" Mondo complained. Maybe Taka was a nerd, but not him! "I miss being able to go outside and I miss being able to do whatever the hell I want! My biker gang is all outta whack right now because none of us can go out ridin'! Hell, we can't even see each other anymore! It's really pissin' me off, man!" Mondo gave a helpless growl, punching a couch cushion to quell his rage.

"Bro..." Taka finally turned away from his studies in order to look at Mondo. "I'm sorry quarantine has been so difficult for you and your comrades. I must admit that I, too, find it quite troublesome that I am no longer able to go outside and exercise the way I used to. And I also miss seeing my fellow classmates..." For a moment, Taka trailed off and a flicker of regret and insecurity flashed through his eyes.

Taka was incredibly buff underneath his school uniform (which he still insisted upon wearing all day, every day, despite quarantine having brought an early end to the school year). And even though it was not something he bragged about the way Mondo might have (Mondo loved to flex, literally and metaphorically), he still understood part of Mondo's frustration. The inability to upkeep his physical strengths bothered him just as much as the inability to upkeep his mental strengths.

Irhaboggle Pride (2020) Quarantine EditionWhere stories live. Discover now