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It was just Tempest and the music bot, alone together in the Discord voice chat. It was currently playing Taylor Swift's "Lover". Tempest swayed gently to the melody while replying to someone in the text chat, Gay-le69. Despite the silly name, the man behind the screen was much more than that. Tempest had grown very fond of him over the six months they'd known each other. She felt a sort of freedom, ease and vulnerability with him that she'd never felt with anyone else.

That was why she was listening to "Lover". She was feeling very much in love. Even if she and Gale were still technically just platonic friends, Tempest was starting to fall for him. She wasn't quite sure when, why or how, but it was the truth. She could feel something in her heart, and she was certain that it was love. What else could it be? She might've been asexual, but she was biromantic. But even if she was surprised by the fall, that didn't change the fact that Gale had become very near and dear to her. It was mysterious, but there was something dazzling about him.

Sometimes it was funny to think they'd only known each other for half a year, having met through Discord back in January. There were days when it felt as if they'd only know each other for 20 seconds. But other times, it felt as if it had been 20 years. But all she knew now was that she wanted to stay with him, wanted to go wherever he would go. She wanted to always be this close to him. Even though feeling so vulnerable was new to her, it was actually kinda nice, and she wanted for it to last forever and ever.


She could see it now, the day they finally met in person. No matter who else came along for the ride, it would still just be him and her at the heart of it all. That was even how she felt about the server. No matter how many people they interacted with, they were still closer to one another than anyone else on the server.

And that was another thing, Tempest genuinely wanted to meet Gale in person. It would be their place, their call. And that was how she knew it was serious. She was usually very slow to make friends, and even slower to visit them, but a mere six months with Gale was enough. And she was highly suspicious that every other Discorder who met him wanted him, so in a selfish way, she wanted to visit him soon so that she could be the first person from Discord to see him in the flesh.

But it wasn't just that she worried about other people trying to win his heart, too. She was also worried he'd find someone better than her, and forget all about her in the process. He was a very wonderful person, after all, who would ever reject him? And since he and Tempest weren't an official couple, it could technically happen. She got jealous any time he hung out with someone that wasn't her. Of course, she never let that envy hurt anyone, but the sting was still there. But in a way, that was only more proof she loved him. No one else could make her feel such envy!

She'd been his first friend on Discord, she wanted to be his last. She'd known him for a whole six months, she wanted to know him forever. She wanted all of him, all to herself. She wanted to know she was his favorite, just as he was her favorite. Of course, she would never try to ruin his other relationships, but she still wanted him. Ah, to love someone enough that not being with them hurt, what a unique feeling! Had Tempest cared a little less, she wouldn't have been as worried. There again, it proved he was very important to her.


She could see it now, the entire Discord rising to watch them stand hand in hand. She would declare her love for him, and he would return it in full. He was a magnetic force of a man, she could never get enough, and he could make her feel so many deep, powerful things, be they good or bad or both or neither. And he certainly was a man, not a boy. He was kind, open-minded, apologetic, willing, respectful, honest, and much more. He wasn't arrogant, rude or sexist. He was much more genuine. He was not perfect, but he was definitely one of the better ones.

She knew her heart was all too confusing and fickle. It changed day by day. It was so new at this. So inexperienced. But even so, it loved him. And his heart? Well, he'd been around the block a few times before. He'd loved and lost before. But even so, it seemed as if he loved her too. So perhaps they were well-matched, and perhaps all would end well if she ended up with him. Even if she couldn't even fathom what sort of future they would share, she just knew that he'd unlocked a new side to her. Now, there was someone out there she wanted to share her life with.

But even if she couldn't foresee the future, she could see the present, and she knew that, at least right now, she was more than willing to be faithful to him. She would be overdramatic, silly, loving, but above all, she would be true. The things she felt because of him were so strong that her only option was to be overdramatic, but for once, she was more than willing, because anything less did not feel like enough. And he wanted all of it, all of her, good and bad, so she was more than willing to give it. It was another example of her vulnerability, giving this side of herself to him, but for once, it was a risk she was excited to take. And she would be utterly true to him, there was no one else she wanted.

But it was not one-sided. She knew he'd also save his most vulnerable sides just for her. But it wouldn't be just the deep stuff that stayed between the two of them. Oh, how they loved to flirt! Even in the early days, they'd shared dirty jokes! But in recent times, those flirtations had become more serious and more private. Even though Tempest used to worry that Gale flirted with other people behind her back, because he'd been a flirt long before they ever met, he'd promised that she was the only one he flirted with this much, and this personally. All of his dirtiest jokes were saved only for her! That was a piece of his vulnerability that only she knew about, and it was one of her most cherished secrets.

Both of them were rather guarded people, but it seemed as if they could never hide from each other. It was a rare and wonderful thing, and it made Tempest sure that even if Gale wasn't The One, he would still be a very close friend for a very long time. Or so she hoped. He was on her mind a lot, and she did her best to invite him into everything she did. She wanted him to be part of her world, and to never feel alone, so at every server and voice chat, she'd save him a seat.

There was a pinging noise that interrupted the song. Gale had finally joined the voice chat.

"Hey, Tempest!"

"Hey, Gale!" Even though Tempest's tone was warm, light and friendly, her heart skipped a beat.

"Oooh, whatcha listening to?" Gale suddenly realized the music bot was in the chat, too.

"Oh! Nothing," Tempest gave a nervous, embarrassed, flustered laugh.

"Doesn't sound like nothing," Gale said, sounding amused. He fell silent to raise the volume on the music bot.

And as fate would have it, he focused on the song right as the very last word was sung.


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