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Sam's pov

I woke up today in a good mood I was so happy, my puppy ran towards me and was jumping on me he is adorable. I grabbed short shorts and a large hoodie that barley passes my shorts. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water soak my skin. I washed my hair and body and once I was done I got out and changed I got some breakfast and fed my puppy. He then had to go out so I took him on a walk when I walked out the cold air nipped at my legs but I could handle it it wasn't too cold. I walked to a place that was half park and half skate park it looked like a nice place so I decided to take my puppy there for today but I'm going to look for more another day. It was nice and pretty quiet, there were some other dogs and some kids skating. There was this one skater that was really cute he had brunette hair and from what I can see he has blue eyes he was pretty good at skating. I got back into reality by a rain drop landing on my nose so I looked at the weather and there was a storm starting so I had to head back home and it was sad cause I wanted to play with my puppy here it sucks cause the first day there's a storm.. wait! That's a perfect name Stormy!! I'll call him Stormy he's like a ball of energy and it could remind me of the first day I got him. Yeah it's not the best memory but it's my -our- memory.

I got home and Stormy still had a lot of energy so I decided to teach him some tricks he was getting the hang of it after a while but he soon started to slow down and I decided to stop so he could rest. I got changed into some pajamas and got back in bed to watch TV with Stormy by my side. He soon fell asleep next to me while I was watching TV and I started to think about the cute brunette haired boy. I slowly let sleep consume me with the boy in my mind.

I woke up by Stormy whining it was 8am and he was by his food bowl oh no I forgot to feed him last night. I fed him real quick and I grabbed some clothes which was black skinny jeans with a pink hoodie. I hopped in the shower, once I was out I ate some breakfast. After I cleaned my mess I took Stormy on a walk and headed to the same park so we could actually play there this time. On my way there I seen the brunette again and he was heading there too. I was staring at him for a while then he locked eyes with me but I looked away right away so I don't think he really suspected anything. With that I waited untill Stormy went pee and I sat at a tree and took Stormys leash off I taught him how to stay and not run off with out his leash last night. He did a very good job learning this and I decided to teach him how to play fetch while I was here. It was 30 minutes of teaching him how and he was so close but while I was teaching him I felt a pair of eyes burning in the side of my head the whole time but ignored it but it was bothering me so I looked over and seen the brunette staring at me. He looked away so I brushed it off and began playing with Stormy again. Stormy did a good job but he didn't learn it yet but he was close I've been here for an hour and a half and it was getting dark I decided to head home. I gave Stormy a treat put his leash back on and headed home.

I got back home and fed Stormy and ordered some sushi. After I ate I went straight to my room to change. I changed into a onesie and grabbed my stuffie. 'yes a onsie and a stuffie, I have a secret no one knows about but I can hide it well and control it cause no one has triggered it as you can probably tell I am a little. Don't judge.' I got in bed to go to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep for some reason I was tossing and turning for like and hour but then it hit me I forgot my paci how could I forget that?' I put it in my mouth and with that I fell asleep again with the thought of the brunette wondering across my mind. I soon let darkness consume me into a dream.

Idk if you can control you headspaces if no one triggers it but pretend you can

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